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Retailers Rule! Interview Series – Pet Food Retailer Insights


Welcome to Part II of our Retailers Rule! interview series. As I mentioned in the previous appliance dealer interview, our retailers are awesome and their engagement in the platform is very important to us. We love hearing what retailers have to say. As part of our mission to connect brands with their retailers, we conducted our Retailers Rule! Interview series to gather retailer insights across industries.

Pet connect3

For the second installment of the series, we spoke with Bruce Swiss, from Pet Connection. Pet Connection is located in Wading River, New York. Bruce loves using Promoboxx to promote Nutro products and engage with his customers.

What has your experience with Promoboxx been like so far?

Promoboxx has definitely become a very simple way for me to advertise Nutro programs to my customers.

How does social media and online marketing impact in-store success?

I feel that regular contact through social media increases my in-store success by bringing regulars in more frequently and keeping them coming to me instead of the other guy.

If you could change or add any one feature to the Promoboxx platform, what would it be and why?

I would like to have Promoboxx extend my reach to pet owners in zip code areas, extending my reach beyond my email list. It would also be great if Facebook postings created more viewer sharing and “VIRAL” spreading of the posting. Maybe also a contest.

What has been your favorite Nutro campaign so far and why?

Nutro Greenie promos work well for me since I incorporate “Greenie Hour” into the promo.

Nutro Campaign

What advice would you give to brands who are looking to connect with their retailers?

I would strongly suggest that they get on board before the ship sails. I know I’m ready to jump on board with any progressive company that will support my business’s success with appreciation!

What is your biggest piece of advice for those retailers just starting on Promoboxx?

Great way to promote Nutro at your business location.

You can check out Pet Connection’s online presence here:

A big thanks to Bruce for taking the time to talk with us. Stay tuned for more Retailers Rule! interviews.

Read more about Nutro co-marketing campaigns>>

Read Part I of the Retailers Rule! Series>>