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Selling Icing for Cake: Tier 2 Trust Drives Success


Sales reps play an integral role in their brand’s success by forging personal relationships with clients. When a brand seeks to expand the nature of these relationships they rely on their sales reps to articulate new benefits to their retailers. At Promoboxx, we’ve seen how a sales rep’s introduction can make a huge difference. E-mail addresses and phone numbers are vital to our enrollment efforts for new retailers, but it’s the Tier 2 rep’s familiar handshake that can quickly establish the connection for us.

I was a regional sales rep once

Well, a waiter for tables 15-20. When a guest ordered a salad, I honestly explained why it was best with steak tips and syrah. I explained why that day’s specials deserved the title.

Bread and water were delivered gratis in expectation of a larger transaction. Beyond that, a nightly budget was set to comp guests when I liked. What I chose to bring out came with my recommendation. These diners got more out of our relationship than they expected. They came back and they brought friends. I made that restaurant a lot of money.

Have you dined with us before?

The above example is not dissimilar to the relationships in the business-to-consumer marketplace. Here restaurant, server, and guest are broken down into three tiers:

• Tier 1 is the brand.
• Tier 2 sells storeowners new products, prices, placements, and promotions.
• Tier 3 are businesses.

Tier 2 includes regional sales managers, sales reps, and market development managers. A brand relies on its Tier 2 employees to sell beyond what’s on a P&L. Like a waiter in a restaurant, their success over time depends on establishing trusting personal relationships with buyers and business owners, standing behind the products they sell, and providing levels of consultation as necessary. Unsurprisingly, their role delivers value in a way that continually builds the brand relationship and aligns their retailers or dealers.

Dessert is on the house

These reps often float marketing and advertising dollars to businesses in the form of co-opted media buys or in-store promotional materials. Ultimately, individual promotional efforts of any kind trickle up to the brand when inventory is sold. Sales reps have the extended responsibility of getting their clients to put up a poster, enroll in a promotional event, or highlight a product’s placement. This process is easier when the value to the retailer is clear.

To ensure engagement

Promoboxx has seen the power that sales reps have in driving engagement with new technology platforms. Clients like Electrolux, Trek, and Mizuno make special efforts to teach their reps about the functions of our tool. We help build training materials so that when they present Promoboxx on a platter, the independent retailer happily takes a bite.

Compared to other clients in the same space, these brands consistently achieve higher activation and engagement rates in our system (upwards of 65%) – maximizing both the reach of national campaigns and the exposure for local businesses.

Sales reps want their clients to move more products – when they can speak passionately about a tool that helps achieve that, a retailer is much more likely to heed the advice. It’s a testament to the power of personal recommendation and a clear value proposition.

Get Your Reps Involved Today!

Contact your Brand Account Manager or reach out to us.