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Seven Tips for Creating More Engaging Social Media

facebook-twitter logoWhat makes engaging content that consumers will actually enjoy and not just scroll past? Social media is a challenge for both brands and their retailers. Here are a few tips on finding your brand’s social media voice!

1) Know your audience. Brands and retailers cannot begin to conquer social media without knowing who they are speaking to. Whether it’s teens, moms, professionals, or any other segment, speak to them in a voice that is relatable. This might mean knowing when to use #tbt or #throwbackthursday. They of course mean the same thing, but teens will gravitate towards #tbt, while an older demographic may not know what it stands for. Promoboxx allows all retailers to customize the content provided by brands to make it more personal and relevant to their customers.

2) Be consistent. Don’t go on hiatus for months at a time and expect to have a loyal social media following. That being said, don’t overwhelm consumers with content to the extent that they feel the need to unfollow or unlike your page.  It’s a difficult balance to strike, but a few times a week should be sufficient for most brands and retailers. Promoboxx allows retailers to schedule content to post at a specific time. This allows them to easily spread content out over time to keep up a consistent social media message!

3) Be relevant. This means posting the right content at the right time. Content should be relevant on many levels, including time, location, product, and industry. Promoboxx allows brands to upload multiple share options in a campaign for retailers to choose from. This allows them to choose content that is best for their customers.

4) Mix it up. Instead of having post after post of the latest sale, try to share a variety of diverse content on your social media channels to help keep it fresh and exciting for consumers. Content can range from product spotlights, sales/promotions, helping the community, product features, and industry information. Brands can run multiple campaigns through Promoboxx at the same time, allowing them to have diverse content for retailers.

5) Be the source of information. Being useful to customers will make you worth following and is one of the best ways to get and keep customers engaged. For retailers, this might mean informing customers when they will be closed, or when they have received a great new shipment of products. Brands on the other hand should use social media to educate consumers on their product and industry. Let your customers know about the latest exciting features or breakthroughs. By using social media as more than a way to “sell” your product, you can earn the trust and respect of your followers. Promoboxx’s “Quick Share” option allows brands to quickly and easily get out a new campaign that may be time sensitive.

6) Have a brand persona. You should know who your customers are, but they should also know who you are as a brand. The values and feel of your brand should be palpable in your social media. This will help make it more familiar and relatable to customers both in stores and online. When brands use Promoboxx to connect with their retailers, they ensure that their messaging and persona stay consistent across all channels and retailers.

7) Keep it local. While your brand may not be local, your retailers are. Customize material as much as possible to make content relevant and useful to customers. Showing the latest line of shoes is great but where can they buy it? Promoboxx has co-branded landing pages that allow the brand and retailer to advertise simultaneously. Campaigns can also be segmented for retailers in many ways. This means if a campaign is only relevant for the Northeast, only retailers in that region would have access to it.

The ultimate goal when creating and using social media is sharable content. We want our current followers to enjoy content, but ultimately we want them to share it; by doing this, it reaches a whole new set of consumers’ eyes that may turn into new followers and hopefully new customers!

And if all else fails, listen to our wise retailers…

“The bottom line of social media is being an edutainer. If you do not educate and entertain in social media, then you are only advertising and will neither build a fan base nor be able to properly market it.”William Koehne (Koehne Chevrolet Buick GMC)