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I recently attended a conference and had the chance to talk social media with the folks that keep brands alive: retailers. All too often I heard “I have Twitter, I just don’t know what to do with it.”

The truth of that matter is that it’s not enough to simply have an account on Twitter; that’s like buying the storefront and not setting up shop. Twitter, when used correctly, is extremely valuable. Twitter allows retailers a huge opportunity to connect with consumers on a more human level, offer top-notch support, reward loyal customers and identify industry trends. The best part? It’s free!

We’ve collected five reasons to stop being stubborn and start tweeting.

1. Give your company a personality

Twitter is one of the few places a company can exhibit their “personality,” so use it! Your followers will appreciate the reminder that there are people behind that logo. It helps them remember why they love you so much in the first place. Tweet about a customer service success story, your corporate culture, or new products. Get creative and remind your customers what makes you different from the rest of the competition.

2. Use Twitter as a support channel

This includes responding to direct tweets, responding to your follower’s comments, and tweeting about product updates. If a customer tweets you feedback about your product or service, good or bad, take it seriously. Social media gives you a huge opportunity to show off how amazing your customer service really is.

3. Reward your followers

Your Twitter followers are likely your most loyal customers, and therefore deserve a reward. Offer exclusive discounts to your Twitter followers by tweeting special promo codes, running contests for the best tweets about your product, or simply give them a sneak peek at a new product release. They’ll appreciate being on the inside and that you value their loyalty.

4. Use hashtags

A hashtag is a word (or words) that point to a specific topic using the # symbol. A hashtag is a word (or words) that point to a specific topic using the # symbol. Hashtags are an excellent way to identify what’s trending in your industry, or better yet, initiate buzz about what you’d like to be trending.

5. Share meaningful content

Don’t just talk about your product, rather offer relevant tips, fun facts, or how-to guides. The more meaningful content you produce, the more interest you can generate around your product!