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Make your post Creative & Unique!

Much of the appeal of TikTok to consumers is the uniqueness of videos. This may seem to conflict with using videos supplied by your Brand but, it shouldn’t! Take advantage of the high quality videos created by your Brands while still adding elements unique to your business.

Examples of ways to make yourself standout when posting videos from your Brands:

  1. Add trending #Hashtags that are relevant to you, your business, your consumers, or your market.
  2. Create a Call to Action in the description like “Come see us for [Brand Name/product] today!” or “Buy [Brand Name], Shop Local!”
  3. Add your business location or put it in the description.
  4. Engage with your consumers after posting.

Check out Current Trends in TikTok Creative Center

Stay up to date with what is trending on TikTok by taking advantage of the TikTok Creative Center. The TikTok Creative Center is a quick way to see what is trending on TikTok before you decide what you may want to add to distinguish a video you are about to post from a Brand. These trends include:

  1. Hashtags
  2. Songs
  3. Creators
  4. Videos

You can filter trends by date range, industry, search for specific trends, and even drill in to greater levels of analysis and insights for each trend.

Take Advantage of TikTok’s expansive Sounds Library

How to add sound when uploading an existing video:
  • Tap “+” and upload your video as normal. Tap “Next” when you’re happy
  • Select “Sounds” in the bottom left corner
  • Browse the sound library and playlists, tap your preferred sound, and select “✔”

Add your Business Location to the video

In some regions, you can add a location to your TikTok video. 

How to add a location to your video:
  • On the “Post screen in the TikTok app:
    1. Tap “Location” to search for a location or choose a location from the list of recommended places; or
    2. Select a location from recommended places listed below “Location“.
  • Tap Post. The tagged location will be displayed in your video.

Don’t Forget to ########

As discussed above, stay up to date with current #Hashtag trends that may be relevant to the Brand content your are posting to your Business TikTok as well as to consumers in your market. This may help new consumers find you and engage with your post. Don’t be afraid to include non-trending #Hashtags also. #Hashtags are a way to stand out and have fun; so let loose and have a little fun with your #Hashtags!

Tell us what your Consumers/Followers think!

Insights from you and your followers are extremely valuable to both Promoboxx and your Brands! Let us know any additional improvements you or your followers would like to see; tell us what they like and tell us what they may not like as much.

How to Submit feedback to Promoboxx & your Brands:

  • Select the “Submit an Idea” button.
  • Select which type of feedback you would like to give.
  • Submit feedback to Promoboxx or your Brands. 

Try Downloadables for TikTok today!

A new Lifestyle TikTok campaign is now available in Local Business! Check it out here.