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As part of its June series profiling start-ups, MITX featured an article from Promoboxx co-founder Sonciary Honnoll. Check out the original article on the MITX blog or continue reading to see if you’re start-up material.

Start-ups are constantly on the lookout for superstars to join their A-teams. For really early companies, a kick-butt crew means the potential for some serious success. Rapid and continuous execution is a must, especially when funds are short and time is of the essence. One person must have the output of two or three people, making human resources the singular most crucial asset of any startup.

If you find yourself falling in love with the start-up world and wondering whether or not you’re startup material, here are three simple questions to ask before diving in:

  1. Do you have the time? Let’s be honest, none of us “have” time, but we make time; because ensuring the growth and success of a company will take all of everyone’s time. There are long workdays, after-hour networking events, and early morning goal sessions to help you execute and get through the day. Are you ready to allocate the majority of your time to the startup of your choice?
  2. Do you have the resources? Sometimes, joining a startup means the possibility of taking a cut in pay or benefits for the possibility of a higher return. Be it a learning opportunity, a chance to work for a great cause, or some equity, you must decide if you’re in a position to sustain a dip and for how long.
  3. Do you have the passion? Because you’re going to need a lot of it. Joining a startup is like getting on a rollercoaster with no sure end in sight. When the cart shoots down, you’ll need to remember why you got in that cart in the first place. Hold tight to your original vision and passion. That will help get you through the ride.

So, before you begin your search, ask yourself these three key questions. Talk to others who took the plunge. If you decide to jump in, get ready! A startup isn’t a part of your life, it is your life, and you only get one.