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A retail marketing platform is a component of a brand marketing strategy that allows brand marketers and advertisers to utilize their retailer’s valuable social media presence as a digital channel. 

Retail marketing platforms connect and integrate brand national channel content with retailer social media channels to reach the local customers that they serve. This streamlined approach makes it easy for retailers to share brand-approved content using a single platform. The key features and benefits of a retail marketing platform include:

Omnichannel Engagement: A retail marketing platform allows marketers to engage with local shoppers via their retailer social media. Retailers no longer have to go through the trouble of developing their own collaborative social media content to promote brand products. Social content is ready-made for retailers and can be published within a few button clicks. You can even give retailers the opportunity to share your brand’s national social media accounts to repost content.

Personalization: Retail marketing platforms enable retailers to customize, schedule, and even automate brand content that drives online sales and enhances in-store foot traffic. Promoboxx makes it easy for brands to control brand campaigns with tools for segmentation, personalization, and co-branded marketing to engage with shoppers where they live and work. Personalization helps drive customer loyalty. Let your retailer’s personality shine through!

Advertising: Retail marketing platforms provide an advertising portal that allows brand advertisers to efficiently market to potential customers near each retailer location, increasing awareness of your brand and traffic to your retailer locations both off and online. Promoboxx offers detailed targeting, optimization goals, and a variety of ad types with ZERO Ad Fees!

Insights and Reporting: Retail marketing platforms give marketers a focused line of sight into Consumer Reporting, Retailer Activity Feed, Sales Rep Tracking, and Paid and Organic Campaign Performance

Diversified Marketing Strategies: By leveraging retailer social media networks within a retail marketing platform, both brands and retailers can diversify their digital marketing strategies. Promoboxx allows them to reach relevant audiences and build more durable organic and paid marketing campaigns.

Unlike digital asset management portals and traditional co-op advertising programs, Promoboxx streamlines your retailer marketing with a scalable, trackable, and user-friendly retail marketing platform.

Promoboxx empowers retailers to effectively market brand products, engage with customers, and drive sales across various digital channels. We help retailers stay competitive in the fast-paced and evolving retail industry by leveraging technology and data-driven insights. And we help brands stay connected to retailer marketing initiatives by making it easier to inspire more brand loyalty, a more streamlined promotional approach, and consistent marketing media, both online and in-store. With the Promoboxx platform, you can support retailer partners at scale, increase insights, and put your time towards other activities.