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We’re capping off our four part series on steps brands can take to better engage retailers by focusing directly on the brand-retailer connection. Whether it’s co-marketing opportunities, sending an email, conducting a survey, picking up the phone, or visiting the store – connecting with retailers is dependent on the brand taking a deep interest in their retailers’ pains and successes.

Our team has spent the better part of their careers creating and developing ways for brands to more easily connect with retailers. Through those years, we’ve found the simplest and most direct approaches work best.

4 Ways We Help

1. Co-Brand Your Content: Provide free brand content that’s easily customized to your local retailer.
Providing ongoing marketing content helps retailers sell more brand products.
2. Don’t Be Afraid To Educate: Give retailers tips on upcoming promotions and events, and allow them to
pass co-branded tips to their consumers.
3. Send A Survey: Do you want to know what’s working best? Send a quick survey to your retailers to see
what content they like best.
4. Give Retailers The Spotlight: Collect retailer co-branded content and shares for your newsletters and blog
posts. Retailers love the spotlight.

To conclude our series, when you implement the 4 things we’ve covered below, you’ll vastly improved your overall level of retailer engagement. And higher levels of retailer engagement equals happy retailers.

1. Utilizing Email Digests
2. Leveraging Facebook Timeline
3. Launching co-branded Marketing
4. Connecting with Retailers

How do you engage retailers? Let us know your tactics in a comment below!