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Back in December 2012, Promoboxx partnered with Kia Motors for their Test-Drive for Tickets campaign to activate their central region dealers in Chicago and Cleveland. Promoboxx launched the brand-to-dealer online extension of this campaign, giving consumers an incentive to test-drive any new Kia vehicle in exchange for a pair of tickets to either a Chicago Bulls or Cleveland Cavaliers game. The goal was to increase the online conversation around this special offer and raise awareness of where to buy Kia vehicles locally.

A recent article featured on FastCompany reinforced that the most important asset to a brand are its customer-facing employees. Stating that “taking full advantage of that ground-level expertise means fostering better communication, and putting resources in the hands of those who face your customers. Technology in 2013 will focus on helping employees do more, more intelligently, and the wisest organizations will invest in this wholeheartedly.” It was exciting to read this, because that is exactly what Promoboxx aims to do for Kia and all of our clients.

Our main job is to help brands understand how to better engage both their retailers and consumers. A good co-branding campaign is a win-win scenario for all parties; a win for the local retailer trying to promote their business and a win for the brand that sells more product, while also strengthening their relationship with their retailers and consumers.

We loved being a part of Kia’s Test-Drive for Tickets campaign because Kia truly understood the value of working with their dealers to better reach their consumers at a local level. Kia focused on generating awareness of local Kia dealerships online and where to buy Kia vehicles locally. They also had a great consumer offer, which allowed Kia dealers to actually see consumer follow-up from this online promotion.

See below for the customized campaign page created by Bill Jacobs Kia:

Kia dealers were able to gain access to new and engaging content from Kia, quickly and easily highlight their dealerships branding and share their customized campaign on all of their online channels – and they loved it.

Check out some of the client testimonials we got below:

“Promoboxx was very helpful, creating an easy way for us to post the details of our promotion on our social networks, which had significant traction and follow-up!”

“Promoboxx is helpful on our online marketing efforts and is very easy to use. We would participate in another co-branding campaign again!”

“Because this campaign was so easy to use, allowed us to do it “our own way,” and had great visual graphic artwork (which was also customizable with our logo!), I would be happy to participate in another co- branding project.”

“The Promoboxx tool had an easy plug-in feeling, and I was impressed with the ability to customize posts and quickly select the exact page I wanted to place the post on (being an administrator of so many pages, this is often a problem).”