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After working to connect some of the most iconic brands in the world with their retailers and launching many co-branded campaigns, we have garnered some interesting insights into not only what the consumer likes, but most importantly what retailers like. In a recent survey sent to thousands of retail locations across the country, Promoboxx found that retailers prefer certain types of campaigns over others.

Results of the Survey:

    • 35% of retailers preferred national promotions such as national product launches, special partnerships, celebrity endorsements, etc.
    • 30% preferred the promotion of in-store events.
    • 25% preferred tactical campaigns (special offers, coupons, etc).
    • 10% preferred sweepstakes.

The retailer’s main concern is how the online promotion will drive in-store traffic. When they see that value, they are more likely to opt-in to a co-branded campaign (and your brand builds preference with that retailer). Your retailers want you to provide them content; they just don’t want to lose their identity with generic national content. That is why it is so important to understand what type of content they want and continuously launch campaigns that are relevant to both them and their customers.

By using Promoboxx, retailers are able to opt-in to national campaigns and co-brand the content to highlight their retail location. Then the retailers are given quick and easy share tools to promote their customized campaign on their online marketing channels. They can use Promoboxx’s online dashboard to check out how many leads they have generated, how many customers have visited their campaign page and how they measure up to other retailers carrying your brand. They can use these insights to make their next online marketing campaign an even bigger success. We love helping brands and their retailers win!