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Promoboxx is on the hunt. We are hoping to add more amazing Client Marketing Managers to our mix. We’re a hard working crew of 14, but that number grows with every passing month as we sign and continue to work alongside agency partners like Big Fuel and Fleishman-Hillard and brands like Chevrolet, Trek, Reebok, and more.

Your mission, should you choose to accept, will be to wow our precious clients daily, keeping them deliriously happy. It’s a big job, but you’ll have each and every team member working alongside you. Sales, Development, Support–everyone at Promoboxx, because our team is the only thing that rivals the importance of our clients.

Sounds interesting?

If so, here’s what we’re looking for in a Promoboxx Client Marketing Manager:

• Loves huge national brands, loves small local retailers

• Works to achieve agency and/or brand goals by providing and executing on strategic campaign plans

• Creates, builds, and executes on brand-to-retailer campaign communication strategy

• Maintains weekly contact with clients to identify current and future needs; conducts surveys; benchmarks best practices; analyzes reporting on current client initiatives

• Improves client results by evaluating processes, establishing and communicating client metrics, monitoring and analyzing results, and implementing changes

• Works with client, sales, and the development teams to ensure that client campaigns are executed in an accurate and timely fashion and according to client needs

• Communicates and manages technical requests required to launch campaigns and drives communication efforts with development and engineering teams to best execute on the campaign lifecycle

• Makes recommendations on campaign creative to maximize retailer participation and sharing

• Creates unique content and uses social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, blogs, etc.) to spread the word about Promoboxx clients

• Gets the word out to the media about Promoboxx client campaigns

• Has basic knowledge of Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Keynote, and Quicktime Pro (These are not required, but a huge plus!)

It basically all boils down to keeping clients happy. Now, we hope to learn more about you. Just send us a note with your resume to In your email, tell us why you’re interested in joining our team and what skills you would bring to Promoboxx!