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At Promoboxx, our focus is making both retailers and brands happy. We do this in a variety of ways, but early on we realized the simple equation to this utopia is happy retailers = happy brands.

For now, we’ll concentrate on one side of the equation: the responsibility of brands to keep their retailers happy. By believing in retailers and providing them with the necessary tools for success, brands will be rewarded in loyalty (and sales) ten times over. Below you’ll find our top 5 tips for brands to make their retailers happy and ultimately, their biggest advocates.

1. Share Leads

Brands aren’t going to gain any points with the retailer if the leads that they collect during a national campaign go straight to corporate. After all, why should the retailer promote a campaign that doesn’t directly help them? Using Promoboxx, retailers that opt-in to national campaigns gain access to the leads that they collect. This motivates the retailer to share their campaign more often and push your product, in order to gain more leads. Impress your retailers by offering them the opportunity to gain consumer leads and allowing them to use the leads they collect for future marketing purposes. By rewarding their hard work it shows them that you support their success.

2. Provide Multiple Opportunities to Be An Advocate

What works for one retailer won’t work for another, so give your retailers plenty of ways to promote your brand. If your campaign is digital, encourage them to share via Facebook, Twitter, Blog and Email (to name a few), or if it’s an in-store promotion, make sure they have access to several types of signage, print ads, or whatever will work best for them to get on board your brand’s campaign.

3. Do the Leg Work (and Make it Free)

One of the most common reasons we hear for why retailers don’t market their stores (and the brands they carry) is that they simply don’t have the time or the resources. Take a load off your retailers’ backs by giving them the content to customize and share. If you really want them to be your advocates, provide it free of charge. At Promoboxx, our brands know that their retailers are the number one way to promote their products, so they use our platform to make their digital content as accessible as possible. Bonus: the brand’s national campaign will result in a more streamlined, cohesive effort.

4. Reward Your Retailers

Encourage your retailers to promote your campaign with an incentive. In a recent Promoboxx campaign, a brand offered its retailers a chance to win a dream vacation in exchange for promoting a national sweepstakes they were running. Another Promoboxx campaign rewarded the top-performing retailer with a discount on their next order from the brand. Giving your retailers a little extra motivation will not only get them excited about your current promotion, but it will also generate a desire for them to participate in future campaigns.

5. Give Retailers the Inside Scoop

Retailers interact with consumers more than anyone else, so their opinion is extremely valuable. Recognize retailers as an excellent source of information. Invite them to give their feedback on what type of promotions they would like to run, their preferred methods of communication with their consumers, and what works (and doesn’t work) for them. By working as a team, retailers and brands can build and thrive in a mutually beneficial relationship.