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In Promoboxx, many brands run multiple campaigns throughout the year, providing rich and interesting content for their retailers to share on a regular basis. We wanted to make it is as simple as possible for retailers to activate and share these new campaigns, so we’ve introduced several new Campaign Automation Features.

Auto Enrollment

The new Auto Enroll feature allows retailers to automatically participate in future campaigns without having to log in to Promoboxx and manually activate their new campaign. This new feature saves time for retailers by eliminating a few steps in the campaign create process, and it makes activating new campaigns much easier. Brands benefit from this feature because more retailers can engage in new campaigns that they release, amplifying the consumer reach of the campaign on a local level.

Auto Sharing

Once retailers have activated their Promoboxx campaign and added information about their social channels, the next step is to share their co-branded campaign online. It’s important that retailers keeping sharing their co-branded campaign pages throughout the lifetime of the campaign, to keep their content relevant to consumers. The new Auto Share feature allows retailers to have campaign content shared automatically on their social channels. Retailers are notified each time content is shared on their behalf, and the brand can easily refresh the shared content throughout the course of the campaign.

This new feature is great for retailers because they can enable Auto Share, then not have to worry about logging back into Promoboxx each time that new share content is available. New content is automatically shared on a retailer’s social channels on their behalf, which means that retailers can easily stay connected with their fans and followers, and brands ultimately reach more consumers with their marketing content.

Opting in to these new automation features is easy for retailers — all it takes is the click of a button. Automation tools are encouraged only if the retailer feels that it is right for their online marketing strategy. If they prefer to log in to Promoboxx to activate new campaigns and share new content, then they simply do not enable the automation features.

New tools like automation give retailers the option to quickly and easily keep their online channels updated. With automation, brands can more easily distribute content on a consistent basis and build stronger relationships with their retailers by always providing new and relevant content to be shared.