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For every co-branded campaign that Promoboxx launches, our goal is to engage independent retailers across the country and help them easily tap into the national content of the brands that they carry. In order to do this successfully, we have been working hard to ensure that our technology provides a turnkey solution that allows brands to maintain their integrity and control, while simultaneously providing retailers a way to highlight their own local branding and expand their online presence.

After much review of brand and retailer platform feedback, Promoboxx has released a new engagement flow, “Engagement Flow 2.0.” The new flow, aimed at increasing retailer participation in national campaigns, strives to attract and encourage retailers to opt-in, customize their page, and share the content on their online channels. The first step in retailer activation, is our New Activation Page, below:

Activation 2.0 Highlights:

What: Campaign Preview Images + Campaign Description
Why: Showcase the new campaign to your retailers before they decide to participate. This feature helps retailers get excited about the campaign before activating.

What: Opt-Out Link
Why: Gives retailers a chance to tell you why they may not want to participate in a particular campaign. From their feedback, brands can optimize future campaigns and make sure they are giving their retailers what they want.

What: Wrong Contact Link
Why: Gives users a chance to reassign online marketing tools and content to the correct person at the retailer. This is helpful because the brand may not know who is in charge of online marketing at the retail location.

What: Help
Why: Retailers can reach the Promoboxx support team via phone, live chat, and e-mail. This feature has been placed in three different places on the engagement dashboard to ensure retailers know they can be helped at all times.

What: Activation Progress Bar
Why: Retailers can gauge how far along they are in the activation, creation, and sharing process. The activation progress bar helps mitigate drop-offs from activation to completion.

What: Features
Why: Retailers can view all the features provided to them from Promoboxx. Some of these features include: Reporting (retailer specific consumer shares, consumer visits, and leads) and Scoreboard (where does your retail location rank amongst others on Promoboxx).

Are you an existing client and want to see more new features on Promoboxx? Contact your Client Marketing Manager for a feature run-through at

Are you interested in learning more about Promoboxx and how we can help engage your local retailers? Contact our Sales department today at