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At Promoboxx, we are constantly staying on top of the latest local marketing trends to help the national brands that we work with leverage the power of collaborating with their retailers. Our goal is to help our clients better understand how to maximize their engagement with consumers and launch more effective campaigns.

We know that online is where consumers are looking for information on where to buy and what to buy, but just how important is it to bring your online marketing strategy to a local level?

This week, we took a look at five statistics that stood out to us and that explain why more and more national brands are investing in local marketing:

  1. 1. Marissa Mayer, Google’s former Vice President of Consumer Products and current CEO of Yahoo!, recently discussed that 20 percent of Google searches are for local information, resulting in 600 million searches per day based on local information.
  2. 2. A Neustar study found that 8 out of 10 people prefer local ads because it “personalizes the relationship between business and consumer, while keeping things anonymous.”
  3. 3. According to a new report from Merchant Circle, seventy percent of local businesses use Facebook for marketing, representing a 20% growth over the past year.
  4. 4. One report published from Mainstay Salire, stated that local Facebook pages “already outperform corporate pages by a factor of 40.”
  5. 5. Gartner Research predicted that by 2015, companies that focus on integrated processes for Local Marketing Enablement will increase revenue by 15-20%.

The statistics mentioned above reinforce that brands must integrate localization efforts into their online marketing strategy in order to tap into the business growth they desire. When marketers engage their consumers with targeted content they will launch more powerful campaigns that both the brands and retailers will benefit from.

Learn how Promoboxx can help you launch co-branded campaigns with your retailers and automatically distribute localized content on your online channels by watching this short explainer video.