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March is Women’s History Month! It’s the perfect time to honor and celebrate the women in your company, in your community, and across your industry. We’ve come up with five ways that you can creatively approach your marketing efforts while keeping Women’s History Month top of mind.

Take Action

Be the change you want to see in the world. Does your company support women’s rights and initiatives? If so, take the opportunity to share what your brand is doing to contribute to these efforts and how supporting women’s issues is core to your brand values. Maybe a percentage of each sale made throughout the month of March contributes to a notable women’s cause. Do something to give back to women in your community, host a charity event, or donate to a cause that is near and dear to your brand. 

Share Your Story

Is your brand women owned? Share your story of where it all began and what it means to build a brand as a woman. The more you can establish a real life human connection with your brand, the more your customers will resonate with you, building brand trust and loyalty. A Women’s History Month campaign that showcases your brand story is a great opportunity to leave your stamp on history! 

Share Stories That Inspire You

Women’s History Month is the perfect time to share the historical events of women who have inspired you. Are there iconic women in your industry that have made a lasting impact? Share their stories and create a connection with your customers by encouraging them to like, comment, and share.

Honor Your Female Employees 

Team work makes the dream work and women are sure to be valued members of your team! Highlight the women who have made a lasting impact on your brand. Show your customers that there’s more than meets the eye by including Q&A content to get to know their personalities outside of work as well as their favorite products your brand offers! Customers will love to get to know the humans behind the brand.

Host an In-Store Event

Uplift your customers with an in-store event to honor female shoppers! What’s more inspiring than a Women’s History Month themed event? A sales event! Offer a limited time promotion the day of or all month long to encourage customers to take advantage of the holiday savings. Consider running a Paid Ads campaign to raise awareness of the event and earn more customer foot traffic!

Celebrating Women’s History Month can be inspiring and educational and doesn’t have to be focused on driving sales for your business. If a March Madness or St. Patrick’s Day campaign makes more sense for your business, try highlighting those holidays during the month of March instead. Remember to have fun with it, and above all else, stay true to your brand’s tone and personality.

Hey Retailers!

Share these ready-to-post, professionally created social updates from our Women’s History Month campaign here!