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We work really hard at Promoboxx, but we have a lot of fun while we do it. We don’t take for granted the fact that we all work so well together and are very passionate about what we do. As we grow as a company, we are extremely mindful of what type of corporate culture we want to build as well.

There are countless efforts made to ensure that our team stays happy and passionate. From our company outings to our rewards program,“YouEarnedIt“, that allows Promoboxx employees to give each other points when they go above and beyond.

A recent morning ritual we have started is our “song of the day”. Every morning somebody picks a song to uplift the office mood. It has proven to be a great way to start the day off.

Check out this video for a “Behind the Scenes”  look at Promoboxx. Meet the team, watch us have an incredibly awesome time at work and see some of our cool office toys!

Do you have any fun office traditions or unique employee programs that have helped build your organization’s culture? Let us know in the comments below!