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Everyone knows sharing is caring, but do you know just how important  sharing on Facebook is to your company? Below you’ll find just a few of the many reasons why Facebook is no longer just a place to post those weekend photos and gush about your favorite TV show; rather, it’s a powerful tool to increase your business’ online exposure, strengthen brand loyalty and spread your marketing content far and wide.

The Power of Sharing

Stat 1: There are 184.2 million Facebook users in North America.

Takeaway: There are 184.2 million potential customers just waiting to engage with your brand on Facebook. Go get ‘em! If your business is not yet on Facebook, now is the time. Click for a quick tutorial on how to create a Facebook page for your business.

Stat 2: 56% of consumers say they are more likely to recommend a brand after becoming a fan on Facebook.

Takeaway: More fans = more brand advocates. Remember, it’s not enough to just have a page to gain fans; relevant, varying content is key for driving customers to your page, and having them return time after time. Click for how Promoboxx helps with this!

Stat 3: 95% of Facebook wall posts are not answered by brands.

Takeaway: Here is a great opportunity to get a leg up on your competition. Be that amazing company that posts new and exciting content on your Facebook page, and then consistently respond to comments and react to feedback. Not only will your company be humanized, your customer will feel appreciated and you will have some great new insights on who your customers are and what they’re looking for.

Stat 4: Online social content is easier to recall than printed information.

Takeaway: Facebook posts tend to be free flowing and more closely resemble speech, which is easier to remember than the perfectly edited, “combed-over” content in print. What you post on Facebook has a much better chance of being remembered (and passed on) than expensive print advertisements. The more you post, the better chance you have to be on the minds of your customers.

Stat 5: Brand engagement in 2011 increased by 176% on Facebook.

Takeaway: With the average person spending 441 minutes per month on Facebook, it’s no surprise that consumers are turning to Facebook to interact with their favorite companies online through media such as videos, links, promotional offers, sweepstakes and more. The more opportunities you give your customer to engage with your brand, the more they will remember you and recommend you to their friends.

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