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This holiday season, brands and retailers are working hard to market to their consumers and drive in-store and e-commerce traffic.  Our friends at HubSpot recently put out a blog called 47 Stats for Remarkable Holiday Marketing in 2012. I have included a few, key statistics here:

  • -Online shoppers are expecting to grow from 137m in 2010 to 175m by 2016
  • -74% of shoppers search online for their holiday wish lists
  • -44% of shoppers have bought a product they have seen shared on social media
  • -81% of retailers will use Facebook to inform customers about in-store sales
  • -Over 90% of marketers will increase their holiday marketing spend on Facebook, 75% on Twitter, and 67% on Pinterest

So why are all these statistics so important to Promoboxx? Well, they are the basis for everything we do! Our goal at Promoboxx is to give local, independent retailers nationally branded content to share on their online channels.

We’ve heard the statistics, but without large marketing budgets, retailers can feel the stress of not having relevant content to appeal to their consumers. What we offer these local, independent retailers is a great way to stay in the game, especially as social media and online shopping and marketing become so important.  We hope that the nationally sponsored brand content we are giving these awesome retailers access to will help them with their sales this holiday season!