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Promoboxx’s Client Marketing team leverages our platform to discover insights that help brands engage more and more of their retail partners. Here are the top three insights from last week’s efforts.

Insight #1: Retailers Perceive Social Marketing As Only “Somewhat Effective”

In a recent brand study, retailers ranked website and email as their “most effective” marketing channels, while Facebook is viewed as “somewhat effective,” with Twitter being viewed as the least effective among the four tools.

With this specific group of retailers, there’s a perceived lack of effectiveness when it comes to Facebook marketing – despite the fact that we know retailers engaging online socially (in addition to their website, email, paid advertising, etc.) have higher sales year round on average than retailers that do not.

The solution? Brands need to use this opportunity to educate their retailers on the value of social, but in a way that those retailers can relate to. Retail partners are so laser focused on building their community to drive awareness and sales. So, it’s important to show the correlation between social programs and increasing Facebook fans, Twitter followers, website hits.

Insight #2: Retailers Are Highly Competitive

Historically, retailers are more likely to participate in an online retail campaign if they are in an area where other local brand retailers are actively participating.

What does that mean? That retailers are highly competitive with one another, and even more so in regions that have high concentrations of a brand’s retailers. The watch other area retailers closely, and will mimic their retailers marketing initiatives. To capitalize on, we’ve been adding a link at the bottom of each Promoboxx campaign that says something to the effect of “Are you a retailer of this brand and looking to promote this campaign online? Contact us.” That simple change can result in 30% more opt-ins per campaign.

Insight #3: Retailers Only Launch Highly Local & Relevant Campaigns

An average of 98.9% of retailers using Promoboxx want to continue co-marketing with their brands, but these retailers are only interested in launching online campaigns that are highly relevant to their own local brand and their consumer base. While historically, brands have asked retailers to distribute nationally branded content, brands are now using Promoboxx to give retailers turnkey marketings solutions to highlight the retailer’s local branding alongside the brand’s. The pickup these brands have seen since adopting this mentality (called brand-to-retailer marketing) has been tremendous. It’s allowed brands to further embrace retailers and their unique intricacies.