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Q. Tell us about yourself in a tweet (140 characters or less)

A. I love french food, New York City, corgis, and the movie Midnight In Paris.

Q. What is an interesting fact about you?

I have always been into art, so recently I’ve been trying to dedicate more time to it. I have a sketchbook and a few charcoal pencils at home that I have fun with, but my favorite medium is probably oil paint. For me, it’s a great way to unwind after a long day!

Q. When you are not working, what would we find you doing?

A.Trying new restaurants in Boston, reading, or going for a run.

Q. How did you get into sales?

A. Accidentally! The last company I worked for placed me on their sales team, and it was a great fit. I love the high energy and competitive nature of the job. It’s rewarding to push yourself to exceed personal and team goals.

Q. What is your favorite part about working at Promoboxx?

A. That’s a tough question…but I have to say the people! We have a great team and I’m so lucky to be a part of it. Everyone is extremely driven and smart — it’s an inspiring environment. The Promoboxx office is such a positive workplace, it’s typical to hear people encouraging their co-workers or congratulating them on a job well done. Just yesterday, we had a team meeting at 5:00 just to acknowledge each department and celebrate everyone’s hard work!