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I recently read a simple, yet fantastic post by Grasshopper’s Ambassador of Buzz, Jonathan Kay. Grasshopper and KISSmetrics are collaborating on a challenge/test for startups that have never used KISSmetrics and don’t have a phone number on their site. The winners get GH/KM accounts for life, plus more.

Promoboxx is a startup, so the post peaked my interest right away. Jonathan quickly laid out the challenge’s goal, guidelines, while answering the #1 question on my mind.

What’s the #1 Question?

“What’s in it for me?”

Answering the #1 question tells me that Grasshopper understands the startup life and our unique needs. They understand me. And if they understand me, they can definitely help my business. They just earned my trust with a few short paragraphs.

In your promotional marketing, how do you answer the #1 question? Do you plainly tell your customers what’s in it for them?