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These days, it doesn’t matter who you are- brand or retailer, you have a list of your loyal customers’ email addresses, and it’s essential that you use it. However, as the saying goes, “with great power comes great responsibility.” Your customer has given you their email address under the assumption that you won’t abuse the privilege, and it’s your obligation to send correspondence that upholds their trust, but still gets your message across.

Here are a few guidelines to keep in mind before you press send.

1) Subject Lines


Perhaps the most important factor, the subject line can either make or break your efforts; if it’s intriguing, you’ll at least get an open, but if not? Trashed immediately- or worse, an “unsubscribe.” This is your only chance as an email marketer to get your email read with a compelling, relevant subject line.

A few things to remember when crafting your subject:

• Avoid words including “free,” “help,” “percent off,” and “reminder.”
• Keep the subject under 50 characters
• Don’t use flashy promotional phrases, CAPS or multiple exclamation points
• Make the subject interesting. Ask yourself- would YOU open this email?

2) Content


Be the type of company whose emails are something that customers look forward to receiving. Provide information that is helpful, creative, relevant and new to your customer base, so that they can look to you as an expert in your field and their go-to source of information regarding your industry. Have something to say- don’t just send an email to remind them that you exist.

3) Format


Presentation is surprisingly just as important as the content itself. By presenting information in an eye-catching manner, customers are much more likely to slow down and actually pay attention to your email (link).

Here are some fun ways to switch up the format of your email:

• Infographics
• Images
• “Top 10” series
• Videos
• Quizzes
• Promotions
• Contests
• Product Tips
• Fun facts about your product/industry
• “Meet the Team”

4) Frequency


It’s important that you set expectations with your customers for how often they will be receiving an email. Create a schedule and stick with it, so that your customers will know that they can count on your latest deals arriving in their inboxes on Tuesdays at 11am, or that your latest video will act for their lunchtime desk entertainment. Regularity = reliability.

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