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One huge, often unexplored, way for brands to get more of their products in the hands of consumers lies in the brand’s ability to market with its retailers. It’s true that 90% of manufacturing brand products are sold through local retailers, and that makes your stores one of your most important customers.

So, what brands are doing well in their brand-to-retailer marketing? For starters, Flooring America. They recently launched a localized marketing campaign with their retailers called “Stevie Can’t Stain It” (image below). The campaign strives to capture more leads for Flooring America’s 500+ independently owned stores across the U.S. Because more leads equal more sales.
Localized Marketing Campaign

Flooring America maximizes its online campaign potential by sending consumers to the retailer nearest them. How? By capturing the consumers IP addresses, matching it with a zip code, and then with the store closest to that zip code. All this happens before you even click “Enter to Win.”As you can see from the example below, our offices are located in Cambridge, MA, and the closest Flooring America retailer is in Chelsea, MA. That’s just a few miles away. In this campaign, both Flooring America and their dealer share the lead. It’s a great way to run a campaign -it makes their retailers happy.

Local Retailer Example

Check out the official campaign at and if you want – enter to win! We’ll be sure to let you know how it goes!

– Tiffany @tiffkarl &  Sonciary @shonnoll