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I just got back from an amazing two days at Pivot in NYC. Great speakers, amazing stories, and some comfy looking sofas. The big theme was engagement. Chris Heuer, Founder/Chairman of Social Media Club, went so far as to say “engage or die.”

Pivot Conference NYC

Engage your customers, engage your employees. And that’s very true, but there was no mention of retailer engagement.

Why Retailers Matter to Brands

For a consumer manufacturing brand, a retailer is an advocate of the highest level of importance. In fact, retailers are the brand’s lifeblood. So, why do most social media pundits, ad agencies, and technology companies ignore them? I have a guess. The majority of retailers have zero dollar ad budgets, they can be hard to work with, and tend to avoid new technologies.

The Best Brands Support Their Retailers

While small ad budgets, independent spirits, and technology-aversions are truths to grabble with, a good brand will support its retailers. By helping them market – the best brands are able to transform their retailers into better, more profitable businesses. The reward? More loyalty and more sales.

So, to take Chris’ statement a bit further and engage your retailers, or you’ll both die. Sounds dramatic? It is.

Ben, @bcarcio