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Promoboxx has teamed up with Profile Design, the leader in high-end triathlon and road cycling components,  to help launch the most highly-anticipated product of their 2013 line – the Aeria. The campaign revolves around a sweepstakes that awards the winner with the ultimate race day advantage – the opportunity to be first to ride the must-have aerobar system.

One of the valuable uses of the Promoboxx platform, is that it allows brands like Profile Design to push exclusive consumer offers and first-looks at new products to their dealers, while helping each store location build out their individual social media platforms and online fan base.

Profile Design is a great example of a brand who truly understands the importance of not only being thought leaders within their industry, but also in their marketing strategies.

“Innovation drives not only our product technologies, but also our marketing initiatives,” says Barry Smith, Director of Marketing with Profile Design. “Promoboxx gives us a great opportunity to support our dealers in the social media sphere by providing them with exclusive content that helps drive foot traffic into their stores.”

By utilizing the Promoboxx platform, dealers are able to customize their own sweepstakes page and share it on all of their online channels to generate buzz around their new 2013 product line. Profile Design is sponsoring this program as a way to enhance partnerships with their brick and mortar dealers.

Are you looking to win your next race with this ultimate triathlon accessory? Or are you curious to see what a customized dealers sweepstakes page looks like?

Find a participating dealer nearest you! We can’t enter, but you can.