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This year, we’re launching a new Discovery Series that focuses on the latest revealings of retailer insights. Every week, we’ll uncover what our Client Marketing Team is learning about the thousands of retailers actively using Promoboxx. To kick-off the series, here’s our first retailer insight.

Retailer Insight #1: Retailers Love To Be Asked

“This is awesome!”
“All of my brands need Promoboxx.”

These are just some of the recent responses we’ve received from retailers on Promoboxx. And when one comes in (after jumping up and down for joy) I usually pick up the phone for a quick chat with the retailer. Let’s just call him “Roy” for now. We always want to learn more about Roy. Why does Roy love Promoboxx? Why does he loves the brands that use Promoboxx?

Here’s what I’ve found: Roy’s the “CEO” of his store. On average, he pulls 3+ Million in for the bigger brands he sells, so he knows his worth. No one is going to tell Roy what to do because he knows what’s best for himself, his employees, and his store.

The difference with brands that use Promoboxx is that the platform incorporates an “Invitations System.” That means, retailers are asked if they want to participate in brand marketing campaigns launched on Promoboxx.

To Roy, that makes all the difference. He can choose to accept or reject a campaign invitation. His ability to choose tells him that that brand respects him. His choice tells that brand how best to optimize their content over time to attract more and more of Roy’s attention.