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Promoboxx is powered by a group of people so passionate that they give it their most important resource, their time. We’ve taken on $0 in outside investment because of our employee owners dedication to “sweat equity.”

So why go bootstrap? We’re nimble and answerable only to our customers. We waste little time on the investor presentation song and dance. Like a start-up Daniel Boone, with just our pocket knifes and some string – we can survive just about anything.


We believe in raising our customers first. We’ll worry about raising money later.

But, enough with the patting ourselves on the back stuff, I’m really writing this for your help. Do you like what we do? Think we can be something when we grow up, or maybe you just like our logo?


Please nominate us for Best Bootstrapped Start-Up at this years Crunchie Awards. We promise not to bring our knifes. Click below:


Co-Founder, CEO
Promoboxx, LLC
ben at promoboxx dot com