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From the CEO’s Soapbox… 

I’m going to continue my early childhood television blog theme, and try to implore brands to use Promoboxx with a public service announcement, like one of those NBC “The More You Know” PSAs. The script would go something like this:

{Cue “The More You Know” intro, then sappy piano music}

“Hey national manufacturing brands, so much of your amazing national marketing skips your local retailers. Not only are your local retailers your biggest customers from a revenue perspective, but they have clout in their local community that you could really leverage. In fact, they need your help to market their stores better. So, just as you use television, radio, or print, use your retailers to help spread the word. The best part, not only will they spread your products message for free, but they’ll thank you for doing it.”

{Cue “The More You Know” outro}

I think this could help a lot of people. What do you think?


Ben Carcio, CEO
ben at prombooxx dot com