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Taking a Stand: Promoboxx Offering Marketing Support to the Independents Showing The Interview


We’ve been following the news closely regarding the decision of Sony Pictures not to release The Interview on Christmas Day. Earlier today, Sony Pictures announced that there will be a limited theatrical release at select theaters, and not surprisingly it was the independent movie theater that was first to step up.

Previously, several independent theaters came together and signed a petition in favor of showing The Interview. Saying “We implore our fellow exhibitors and our nation of moviegoers to stand up in recognition that freedom of speech and artistic expression are vital not only to the entertainment industry but for all art and commerce worldwide.” This bravery seems to have worked and we want to join the cause.

Supporting the spirit of the independent retailer is exactly why Promoboxx exists. We believe in retailers. They are the backbone of the American economy, and in this case the caretakers of our most important values. With our ShopRescue program, we’re taking a stand and supporting any independent movie theater showing the film.

If you’re an independent theater showing The Interview, we are donating a marketing package to support not only you in your promotion of the film, but your position in favor of freedom of speech. 

Email us at and we’ll get you set up.
