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Timberland Amplifies Brand Awareness for #ModernTrail Campaign with the Help of Its Local Retailers


In their massive shift from a footwear brand to a full-blown lifestyle brand, Timberland has ditched the traditional product launches and moved towards something bigger and better.

For their one-of-a-kind lifestyle-focused Modern Trail campaign, Timberland focused largely on digital strategy. If they were going to ensure maximum campaign potency and further support ongoing rebranding efforts, however, they would need a foolproof retail marketing solution. They found it by equipping their independent retail partners with co-branded digital content.

Why Independent Retailers?

As Timberland’s Director of Marketing, Cassie Heppner, says, “Independent retailers in the footwear and apparel industry are extremely customer-service oriented. Retailers can be some of the most effective brand storytellers, and we recognize how much influence they have with customers.”

The Modern Trail Campaign: Local Retailers Help to Tell the Timberland Brand Story

“We have a great story, and we can get people to help us tell it.” – Frank Hwang, Senior Manager of Paid and Digital Media for Timberland

For their Modern Trail campaign, Timberland sought to define and equip consumers for the way we live now. The Modern Trail spirit is about everyday adventures, connecting with fellow “explorers,” and sharing what’s discovered along the way. No matter where you’re from or where you’re going, Timberland is there to outfit you, whether that may be with boots or jackets or any of their many products.

In order to tell and amplify this magnificent brand story, Timberland turned to their local retailers. Timberland’s independent retailers extended the brand messaging by promoting automatically localized, co-branded campaign content across key digital channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) through Promoboxx.

Take a look at how the Modern Trail looks for Timberland retailer, Savon Shoes, on Facebook:

Timberland Modern Trail Promoboxx

Example co-branded Facebook content


Take a look at how the Modern Trail looks for Timberland retailer, Thom Brown Shoes, on Twitter:

Timberland Modern Trail Promoboxx

Example co-branded Twitter content


These co-branded digital marketing materials led consumers from the retailers’ pages to a digital experience that reinforced Timberland products and their lifestyle-oriented brand story.

By working with their independent retailers to promote their brand story on a local level, they created further brand awareness and reached untapped local audiences, as well as further developing that crucial where-to-buy mindshare. Who better to share brand stories and create awareness at the local level than independent retailers?

Timberland Wins at Local Retail by Leveraging Promoboxx

“I like the way Promoboxx is set up, and it’s easy to use. I can throw something up on Facebook myself, but it’s not going to look as good.” – Timberland retailer

With Promoboxx, Timberland provides their independent retailers with a quick and simple way to promote their brand content on a local level. As an additional benefit, Timberland retailers are able to save time and resources by having access to a brand-approved digital campaign that is automatically customized to highlight their local store. A win-win for both brand and retailer.

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