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Top 5 Social Media Tips You Should Be Giving Your Local Retailers


Whether your retailer is selling bikes, cars, jackets, or anything in-between, one thing is for certain: they need to be using social media to engage and create conversations with their local customers.

As these social channels are frequently updating and evolving, though, it can be difficult for small businesses to keep up. Despite these challenges, it’s important for them to understand how social media can be used to amplify foot traffic on a small business level.

Why should you educate your retailers on social media?

  • You will help them streamline their branding (and yours) via digital channels in an effective and appropriate manner.
  • You will help to increase their competitive edge by pushing them to engage with social media.
  • When a retailer understands social media and its impact on their business, it helps incentivize them to promote brand assets and campaigns.

Here are our top 5 social media tips you should be giving your local retailers:

1. Be where your audience is.

As the saying goes, “People no longer go online. They live online.” Your customers are online, and traditional advertising will no longer cut it. By remaining active on social media, you can reach your local customers where they now spend a lot of their time and develop ongoing conversations with them.

2. It’s not about being on every channel. It’s about being on the right one(s) for your business.

Don’t spread yourself thin by hopping on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and whatever other social channel all at once. Choose one or two relevant channels to start. It will allow you to be more thorough and start on greater footing.

You must also think about the differences between each channel. They are all different and represent a unique set of user demographics. Look into these channels’ purposes, demographics, and optimization techniques, and then decide what is right for your business.

Related content: 4 Secrets to Help Retailers Become Your Best Local Advertisers >

3. Use a variety of content and media.

Customers don’t want to just see ads on social media. They want to be entertained. They want to be shown content that is useful to them.

Find the right content balance on your social channels, and you can reach them from all angles, creating trust and authority while also promoting your business and the products you sell.

4. Expand your reach with paid digital advertising and consumer targeting.

It is no longer enough to simply have a social presence. In order for them to build your audience and continue to engage both existing and new customers, you will have to pay to play and keep your business top of mind.

The best way to reach new, relevant local customers is through paid advertising on social channels. It will allow you to target by consumer interests and demographics while also providing you with important reporting data.

Related content: 5 Tips to Create Facebook Ads That Turn Digital Traffic into Foot Traffic >

5. Take part in the conversation. Social media is about developing and expanding relationships.

It’s important to remember that social media is for just that: socializing. It’s just a different means of doing it.

Listen to what your customers are saying and always be responsive. Remember: it’s a two-way conversation. Social media makes for an effective customer service tool, so put it to good use.

For example, if you handle a negative public situation appropriately on your social channels, others will feel comforted by your professionalism online.

Making Social Media and Digital Marketing Easy for Retailers

mohawk flooring local ad digital support

Example Local Ad on Facebook for Mohawk Flooring

In order to keep time and resource-strapped local retailers thriving in today’s digital landscape, we have to make social media and digital marketing as easy as possible for them to execute.

Promoboxx gets them there.

With Promoboxx, brands like Mohawk Flooring, New Balance, and GE Appliances provide their retailers with an easy-to-use digital marketing solution, allowing them to directly deliver professional messaging and media mix to local consumers on digital channels.

Case Study: Mohawk Flooring Helps Retailers Drive Sales with Digital Marketing Support > 

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