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Trek Bicycle Provides Retailers with Local Mobile Ads to Reach New Customers


“I can’t sell you this bike.” Trek’s Retail Marketing Manager, Jeremy McKinley, set the stage during his Aligned Conference session by underscoring independent retailers as the only avenue for purchasing a new ride. He needs these retailers to succeed, so he provided retailers with local mobile advertisements via Promoboxx Local Ads.

With Promoboxx Local Ads (formerly known as Match), national brands, like Trek, can now reward retailers for their marketing actions on Promoboxx, and have retailers redeem those rewards for local advertisements. It allows brands to target nearby customers, create better retailer marketers, and most importantly, drive more sales.

“I sell Trek bikes!”

Ad dollars are given to retailers who promoted Trek’s 2014 Summer Sale product galleries on their Facebook and Twitter accounts. Each retailer who opted into the program achieved 4x consumer impressions on average over their other campaigns to date. With our ad partner, these impressions were targeted to mobile devices in a tight geographic area around each location. The result? Only people who are near a store saw their ad. No more wasted ad dollars.

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Trek Summer Sale Co-Branded Mobile Ad Examples

For a small bike shop, this type of mobile advertising has been either out of scope or out of mind until now.  These pre-made co-branded advertisements eliminated the time involved in spinning up a separate mobile ad campaign, built credibility for the retailer, and extended Trek’s brand reach. With people checking their phones on average 150 times per day¹, providing retailers with mobile ads makes sense.

“I will sell you this Trek bike, right here, right now.”

When the campaign wrapped up after two weeks, the numbers were impressive. Through a subset of their independent retail network alone, Trek generated over 965,000 consumer impressions for the Summer Sale. Of that, 4,000+ consumers clicked a local retailer’s co-branded mobile ad – an average CTR (click-through-rate) of .41%. This is exceptional, as industry averages float around .22% CTR. The reason for this success goes beyond geographic targeting – Through our ad partner, Trek was also able to select the advertisement buys towards apps and websites where health-conscious, active Trek customers might visit.

In the end, this campaign delivered over 68,000 consumer visits to their local Trek retailer’s Summer Sale product gallery and garnered close to 19,000 consumer leads via the sweepstakes. These leads are also available to each retailer directly through Promoboxx.

Once again, Jeremy McKinley says it better than I could,

“We’ve been with Promoboxx for a couple of years now and have been very happy with the innovative programs that they offer. It’s always a challenge to localize national promotions, and with Local Ads I was able to show our retailers that we were pushing awareness and, ultimately, traffic directly to their doors.”

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