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The Promoboxx Blog

Emma Bisogno Our Newest Feature!

Here at Promoboxx, we are always developing new platform features that help our clients better reach their consumers and optimize their online marketing efforts. After recent campaign launches, like Chevrolet’s Malibu Style and Reebok’s It Takes A Lot To Make A Classic Sweepstakes, our team has been working hard to enhance the usability of our […]

Platform Updates brand
Ben Carcio Promoboxx @ FutureM

We’re thrilled to be hosting a FutureM panel called “Small Start-Ups Can Work With Big Brands.” The panel is on Tuesday, October 23, at the Hynes Convention Center in Boston. For this panel we wanted to break from the typical start-up pitch sessions of “here’s my company, please invest,” to presentations by marketing start-ups who […]

Careers & Culture brand
Emma Bisogno You’re Invited!

One of the best parts about working at Promoboxx HQ, is that we are able to share office space with some of the coolest companies in town. Our neighbors include Help Scout, Alphabet Arm Design, Smarterer and BzzAgent, which most will agree are some of the most forward thinking and creative companies in Boston. We […]

Careers & Culture brand
Emma Bisogno Promoboxx loves your agencies!

Here at Promoboxx, we will occasionally get feedback from potential clients saying “I am sorry but we are already working with an agency and they are handling all of our marketing initiatives”. Now, some people might take this as the end of the road for onboarding this particular client. However, as a marketing platform, not […]

Careers & Culture brand
Sonciary Honnoll Introducing Customizable Campaign Opt-In Pages

The Promoboxx platform focuses in on four key components to engage retailers in a brand’s national marketing efforts: 1. Engage: Select all or a group of retailers to participate in a campaign, validate retailer information and       schedule engagement actions like sharing reminders.2. Co-Market: Allow retail partners to customize national creatives to their stores. Control which […]

Platform Updates brand
Emma Bisogno Introducing 90+ Wines

Hey y’all! Hope Sullivant here. Promoboxx’s newest addition to the sales team. Well, actually it has been 2 months, but still…! I wanted to quickly introduce myself and say that I am extremely excited to be working with such amazing people, brands AND retailers! I’d like to announce our newest client, 90+ Wines! 90+ will be launching […]

Retail Marketing News brand
Ben Carcio Don’t Eat Our Retailers

From the CEO’s Soapbox… I remember this Bugs Bunny cartoon where these two guys get stranded on an island. After a while they start to imagine each other as food, one a hamburger, the other a hot dog. So, I think of that and laugh anytime I see an online marketing company like HubSpot or Contant […]

Careers & Culture brand
Emma Bisogno The Science Behind B2B E-Mail Marketing

At Promoboxx, we maintain constant contact with our clients to better understand and identify their current and future needs. At the end of the day, effective communication and engagement with our clients is our number one priority- a happy client makes a happy campaign! Amongst the many communication strategies we use, we have come to find that […]

Tips and Resources brand
Sonciary Honnoll Wanted: Client Marketing Managers

Promoboxx is on the hunt. We are hoping to add more amazing Client Marketing Managers to our mix. We’re a hard working crew of 14, but that number grows with every passing month as we sign and continue to work alongside agency partners like Big Fuel and Fleishman-Hillard and brands like Chevrolet, Trek, Reebok, and […]

Careers & Culture brand
Emma Bisogno Why National Brands Are Right To Focus On Local

At Promoboxx, we are constantly staying on top of the latest local marketing trends to help the national brands that we work with leverage the power of collaborating with their retailers. Our goal is to help our clients better understand how to maximize their engagement with consumers and launch more effective campaigns. We know that […]

Retail Marketing News brand
Sonciary Honnoll Download The Trek Bicycle Case Study

Our 3-page case study focuses on Trek Bicycle’s 2012 “Tour de France” Summer Giveaway. Within its pages, we’ve highlighted how Trek Biycle used Promoboxx to: • Generate new leads for local dealers • Boost engagement between national brand and local dealers • Drive traffic during spotlight event “Tour de France” • …and much more!   […]

Local Marketing Campaigns brand
Amanda McMullen How Oreo, Kiehl’s and Clif Bar Crush Online Marketing

Here at Promoboxx, we are always looking at the way favorable brands put social media to work. So we went out looking for the best of the best–how brands are pushing new products by using innovative and dynamic online marketing campaigns. In this post, we are going to break down various online marketing strategies used […]

Retail Marketing News brand