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The Promoboxx Blog

Jonali McFadden Social Strategy for the Holidays with Promoboxx

The holiday season is a critical time for retailers and small businesses looking to boost in-store sales and engage customers. With increased shopping activities around events like Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday, having a consistent social media strategy is essential. With Promoboxx, you get access to customizable marketing content from brands, making […]

Retailer brand
Ashleigh Anderson Reels are Now Supported on Promoboxx!

9:16 Reels are Now Supported on Promoboxx! You can now make your 9:16 video assets available for Instagram! Just add your 9:16 Reels assets to a campaign and be sure to make them available for Instagram. Read on for more on Instagram Reels and best practices. What are Instagram Reels? Reels is the video format […]

Platform Updates brand
Jonali McFadden How to Upload TikTok Downloadable Campaign Assets – Try It Now!

You can make TikTok eligible video assets available for your Retailers to download today from your new and/or existing Campaigns.

Content Strategy brand
Jonali McFadden 3 Tips to Spring-ify Your Social Media Strategy

Spring has sprung! Breathe new life into your social media strategy with these creative content tips. Spring Clean Your Strategy Many view springtime as a fresh start, and so should marketers. Take time to spring clean your own marketing strategy and get rid of the old tactics that no longer work. Think of your consumers […]

Retailer brand
Jonali McFadden How to Celebrate Women’s History Month on Social Media

March is Women’s History Month! It’s the perfect time to honor and celebrate the women in your company, in your community, and across your industry. We’ve come up with five ways that you can creatively approach your marketing efforts while keeping Women’s History Month top of mind. Take Action Be the change you want to […]

Content Strategy brand
Ashleigh Anderson Creating Reels- Best Practices

Now all uploaded videos will be fed into the Reels stream, which means they will load on Retailer follower’s feed, the Retailer’s grid, and in the Reels section of the Retailer’s IG profile. With all of those things in mind, it is important to follow best practices when creating reels for your audience. 1. Capture […]

Social Media Education brand
Ashleigh Anderson Reels Introduction

What are Instagram Reels? Reels is the video format for nearly all videos published on Instagram. Instagram launched its Reels format in 2020, mostly to compete with the fast-growing platform, TikTok. However, in July 2022, Instagram merged its standard video and Reels video formats, declaring that all videos from this point forward will be Reels. […]

Content Strategy brand
Ashleigh Anderson They are Reel-y here!

You can now post Instagram Reels through Promoboxx! Instagram Reels are the new hit of the popular social media platform and the opportunities are endless. All videos uploaded to Instagram will now also be visible as Reels. Include Instagram video content in your campaigns to take advantage of this functionality! Why should you create reels? With […]

Platform Updates brand
Ashleigh Anderson Celebrate the Holiday Season

With holiday retail sales reaching over $886 billion in 2021, your business cannot afford to miss out this holiday season! Try out these ideas from Constant Contact and Light Speed to create some great holiday promotions and get the word out about your products. Holiday promotion ideas to help you sell more 1. Try an early bird offer […]

Social Media Education brand
Ashleigh Anderson How to Establish a Presence on Social Media

Why is Social Media Important? Your customers are online throughout the day checking their news feed and browsing the internet. This means the chances of you reaching your target audience online has increased significantly. Small businesses found that social media (25%), their company website (20%), and online advertising (18%) were their top three most successful digital […]

Content Strategy brand
Ben Carcio Sell Them Hope

Planning your next promotion? Think about how you can sell to people's hope.

Social Media Education brand