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The Promoboxx Blog

Emma Bisogno Meet Don Cote, A Promoboxx Developer!

We keep talking about all of the new platform improvements and features that Promoboxx has added, so we figured we should also introduce you to the people who are actually behind the technology. Each week we are introducing a new Promoboxx team member, and this is your lucky week! Meet Don Cote, developer extraordinaire: Q. […]

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Emma Bisogno Digital Marketing Stories of the Week

We are always on the look out for digital trends that impact our clients and product. This past week, we were browsing one of our favorite online publications, Mashable, a popular Social Media news blog and found a lot of great articles that we wanted to share with all of our blog readers! – 7 Hot Trends […]

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Emma Bisogno Help those affected by Hurricane Sandy

Hey friends, as you all know the Northeast was severely affected by Hurricane Sandy a little over a week ago. While many places have started rebuilding and are slowly getting their power back on, some homes and businesses (including many of our retailers) are still without power. Unfortunately, there was a Nor’easter last night and today […]

Careers & Culture brand
Emma Bisogno Promoboxx’s Team Culture

We work really hard at Promoboxx, but we have a lot of fun while we do it. We don’t take for granted the fact that we all work so well together and are very passionate about what we do. As we grow as a company, we are extremely mindful of what type of corporate culture we […]

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Emma Bisogno Happy Halloween from the Promoboxx Team!

The Promoboxx team is always up for celebrating special occasions, and Halloween is no exception. So naturally, we had to have a costume contest to bring some All Hallows’ Eve spirit into the office! Today, everyone wore their costumes into work. We had a power ranger, a painter, a rock star and even an office favorite […]

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Sonciary Honnoll The Startup + Big Brand Benefit Trifecta

For an established brand, working with a small tech startup means access to creative ideas and energy. For the startup, getting that first big brand to say “yes” can make the company. Last week, at Boston’s FutureM, I shared some Promoboxx + real big brand results, as well as tips for current brands and startups […]

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Emma Bisogno Small Start-Ups Can Work With Big Brands!

Yesterday,  Promoboxx had the honor of hosting a FutureM panel called “Small Start-Ups Can Work With Big Brands” at the Hynes Convention Center in Boston. Each company presented a case-study on how their companies were able to close and succesfuly work with a big brand. Below is a list of the participating panelists: • Raj Aggarwal- CEO, Localytics […]

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Sonciary Honnoll Field Trip! Pboxx steps out of the office…

Yesterday, we had our first official company outing – zip lining, fall foliage, BBQ. We had a blast! Here’s the day in photographs. We started off with breakfast at Dunkin Donuts. Then, off to The Berkshires for zip lining… After zip lining and lunch, we visited Cold River Package, the store Ben’s family ran while […]

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Ben Carcio Promoboxx: The More You Know

From the CEO’s Soapbox…  I’m going to continue my early childhood television blog theme, and try to implore brands to use Promoboxx with a public service announcement, like one of those NBC “The More You Know” PSAs. The script would go something like this: {Cue “The More You Know” intro, then sappy piano music} “Hey national […]

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Ben Carcio Promoboxx @ FutureM

We’re thrilled to be hosting a FutureM panel called “Small Start-Ups Can Work With Big Brands.” The panel is on Tuesday, October 23, at the Hynes Convention Center in Boston. For this panel we wanted to break from the typical start-up pitch sessions of “here’s my company, please invest,” to presentations by marketing start-ups who […]

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Emma Bisogno You’re Invited!

One of the best parts about working at Promoboxx HQ, is that we are able to share office space with some of the coolest companies in town. Our neighbors include Help Scout, Alphabet Arm Design, Smarterer and BzzAgent, which most will agree are some of the most forward thinking and creative companies in Boston. We […]

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Emma Bisogno Promoboxx loves your agencies!

Here at Promoboxx, we will occasionally get feedback from potential clients saying “I am sorry but we are already working with an agency and they are handling all of our marketing initiatives”. Now, some people might take this as the end of the road for onboarding this particular client. However, as a marketing platform, not […]

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