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The Promoboxx Blog

Drew Nationwide Partners with Promoboxx, Dealers Benefit with Digital Marketing Content

Our team is excited to announce that Nationwide Marketing Group, the largest home appliance buying group in North America, is partnering with Promoboxx to provide digital marketing content to Nationwide’s entire membership base! Nationwide Marketing Group Selects @Promoboxx for Digital Dealer Marketing — NMG (@NationwideMG) April 29, 2014 Nationwide, with its 10K+ storefronts, will leverage Promoboxx’s […]

Retail Marketing News brand
Sonciary Honnoll Nationwide Partners with Promoboxx, Dealers Benefit with Digital Marketing Content

Our team is excited to announce that Nationwide Marketing Group, the largest home appliance buying group in North America, is partnering with Promoboxx to provide digital marketing content to Nationwide’s entire membership base! Nationwide Marketing Group Selects @Promoboxx for Digital Dealer Marketing — NMG (@NationwideMG) April 29, 2014 Nationwide, with its 10K+ storefronts, will leverage Promoboxx’s […]

Retail Marketing News brand
Drew Retailers Rule! Interview Series – GE Appliance Dealer Insights

Welcome to Part III of our Retailers Rule! interview series. As I mentioned in the previous appliance dealer interview, our retailers are awesome and their engagement in the platform is very important to us. We love hearing what retailers have to say. As part of our mission to connect brands with their retailers, we conducted our Retailers Rule! Interview series to gather […]

Brand & Retailer Interviews brand
Ken Bousquet Retailers Rule! Interview Series – GE Appliance Dealer Insights

Welcome to Part III of our Retailers Rule! interview series. As I mentioned in the previous appliance dealer interview, our retailers are awesome and their engagement in the platform is very important to us. We love hearing what retailers have to say. As part of our mission to connect brands with their retailers, we conducted our Retailers Rule! Interview series to gather […]

Brand & Retailer Interviews brand
Emma Bisogno Reebok Classics Retro Shop Campaign – A Classic Example of Brand Storytelling

classic (clas·sic) 1 : judged over a period of time to be of the highest quality and outstanding of its kind.(Oxford Dictionaries.) Reebok Classics is a brand that takes pride in the products they create, built on a foundation of quality, style, and culture. It’s no wonder that they keep releasing shoes that fly off […]

Retail Marketing News brand
Emma Bisogno Reebok Classics Retro Shop Campaign – A Classic Example of Brand Storytelling

classic (clas·sic) 1 : judged over a period of time to be of the highest quality and outstanding of its kind.(Oxford Dictionaries.) Reebok Classics is a brand that takes pride in the products they create, built on a foundation of quality, style, and culture. It’s no wonder that they keep releasing shoes that fly off […]

Retail Marketing News brand
Ken Bousquet Retailers Rule! Interview Series – Pet Food Retailer Insights

Welcome to Part II of our Retailers Rule! interview series. As I mentioned in the previous appliance dealer interview, our retailers are awesome and their engagement in the platform is very important to us. We love hearing what retailers have to say. As part of our mission to connect brands with their retailers, we conducted our […]

Brand & Retailer Interviews brand
Ken Bousquet Retailers Rule! Interview Series – Pet Food Retailer Insights

Welcome to Part II of our Retailers Rule! interview series. As I mentioned in the previous appliance dealer interview, our retailers are awesome and their engagement in the platform is very important to us. We love hearing what retailers have to say. As part of our mission to connect brands with their retailers, we conducted our […]

Brand & Retailer Interviews brand
Ben McBratney From Henry Ford to Elon Musk: Moving the Auto Industry into the Digital World

Millennials? Aren’t They Like, 13? The next generation of car buyers has arrived. Millennials are considered to be anyone born between the 1980s and early 2000s, and carry $170 billion in annual spending power to boot. Armed with iPhones, iPads, and a host of Facebook friends and Twitter followers, they will research a car purchase […]

Retail Marketing News brand
Ken Bousquet Retailers Rule! Interview Series – Appliance Dealer Insights

Here at Promoboxx we LOVE our retailers, and keeping them engaged in our platform is very important to us. The Client Services team constantly reaches out to retailers to help them get activated, show them new features, and answer any questions they may have. We also love getting their feedback. Meeting retailers’ needs is key […]

Brand & Retailer Interviews brand
Andrew Glenn Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Marketing

Harley Davidson or Ducati? Future motorcycle owners can easily imagine which logo would be emblazoned on their new jacket. The brand cultures lean far from one side to the other. But how many degrees of difference are perceived between Ducati, Aprilia, and BMW sport bikes? Harley, Honda, and Indian cruisers? Now more than ever it’s […]

Retail Marketing News brand
Ben Carcio Sorry Beth, I Almost Showroomed You

This weekend I was buying a couch at a local Crate and Barrel and worked with a super professional salesperson named Beth. She helped us choose a couch, a fabric and created a take home package to ensure that it fits and the fabric matched. I even learned she has four kids and lives a town […]

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