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The Promoboxx Blog

Taylor Holm 5 Ways Independent Retailers Can Improve Their Online Twitter Presence

I recently attended a conference and had the chance to talk social media with the folks that keep brands alive: retailers. All too often I heard “I have Twitter, I just don’t know what to do with it.” The truth of that matter is that it’s not enough to simply have an account on Twitter; […]

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Taylor Holm 5 Expert Tips to Make Your Retailers Your Brand Advocates

At Promoboxx, our focus is making both retailers and brands happy. We do this in a variety of ways, but early on we realized the simple equation to this utopia is happy retailers = happy brands. For now, we’ll concentrate on one side of the equation: the responsibility of brands to keep their retailers happy. […]

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Emma Bisogno Helping Brands Better Understand What Their Retailers Want

As a Client Marketer at Promoboxx, part of our job is to have conversations with independent retailers and garner insights to better help them market online. Independent retailers are the key to success with any Promoboxx campaign. Independents are the ones that sell products, help build a community, create memorable experiences and provide exceptional customer […]

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Anna Perko New Promoboxx Features for February

Here at Promoboxx, we’re always striving to help brands connect better with their retailers and distribute co-branded content to an increasingly social consumer base. Recently Promoboxx has released several new features that not only improve the experience for retailers using our system, but these features also help brands optimize campaigns in order to better connect […]

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Sonciary Honnoll How Volkswagen of America Took Super Bowl XLVII Ads to the Next Level with the Help of Local Dealerships and Promoboxx

Brand marketers are becoming increasingly more concerned with how their retailers think. These brands place a high value on knowing values, goals, and concerns of retailers to understand how those retail partners market themselves along with the brands they sell. Every effort made is to gain additional insights into how retailers are growing and strengthening […]

Retail Marketing News brand
Emma Bisogno Promoboxx Teams Up With Kia and NBA

Back in December 2012, Promoboxx partnered with Kia Motors for their Test-Drive for Tickets campaign to activate their central region dealers in Chicago and Cleveland. Promoboxx launched the brand-to-dealer online extension of this campaign, giving consumers an incentive to test-drive any new Kia vehicle in exchange for a pair of tickets to either a Chicago […]

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Taylor Holm Help Your Retailers Engage Local Customers Online

These days, there’s an increasingly noticeable focus on local: supporting locally owned businesses, eating locally raised meat and produce, and buying products manufactured in the USA. Currently, 23 million small businesses in America account for 54 percent of all U.S. sales, and their influence is only expected to grow in 2013. So how should brands […]

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Emma Bisogno So, What Is Brand-to-Retailer Marketing Anyways?

We’ve all heard of B2B (business-to-business) and B2C (business-to-consumer) marketing, but what is this B2R marketing Promoboxx seems to talk so much about? B2R (Brand-to-Retailer) marketing is connecting brands with their retailers by providing them with marketing materials they can use to facilitate the sale of their products and services they offer. Brand-to-Retailer marketing also […]

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Anna Perko 4 Strategies for Successful Co-Branding Campaigns

As a national brands seek new ways to reach their customers with relevant and engaging content, they use the Promoboxx platform to launch co-branded campaigns with their network of local retailers. Engaging local retailers has proven to be an effective marketing tool for brands, but what exactly makes an effective co-branded campaign? We love helping […]

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Sonciary Honnoll B2R Marketing Success Secrets (Part 1): How To Get The Most Out Of Promoboxx

I recently received an email from a new Promoboxx client asking: What are the secrets to launching successful campaigns, and how else can I best leverage your platform? I love getting emails like this because the answer continues to evolve as we launch more and more features. So, here it goes… How To Get To […]

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Taylor Holm Social Media: The Real Winner of Super Bowl XLVII

As the Ravens claimed their victory Sunday night, viewers couldn’t help but notice that there seemed to be some other winners at Super Bowl XLVII; Beyonce, the Budweiser Clydesdales, and the guy who made out with Bar Refaeli all come to mind. However, it was clear there was a new player in town when it […]

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Anna Perko Meet Russen, Developer at Promoboxx

Q. Tell us about yourself in a tweet! (140 characters or less) A. I live near Davis Square with my wife, Clover, and our daughter, Morgan. We’re expecting a baby in July! I love coffee, fire spinning, and Boabom. Q. What are you most excited about now that you’re part of the Promoboxx team? A. […]

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