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The Promoboxx Blog

Emma Bisogno Relevance, relevance, relevance!

Over the past few days, I have had the pleasure of speaking with both brands and retailers regarding current and/or upcoming campaigns. The consensus is overwhelmingly positive, both brands and retailers alike love Promoboxx! For brands, we help them distribute content on a continual basis down to the local retailer, making the brand more relevant […]

Tips and Resources brand
Emma Bisogno Promoboxx Helps Retailers Go Social

With every campaign we launch, we always stress the importance of retailers frequently sharing their co-branded campaigns on all of their online channels such as Facebook, Twitter and their website. One of our main priorities is getting retailers active on social media, so that they can promote their local business and drive brand awareness. We […]

Local Marketing Campaigns brand
Sonciary Honnoll We upgraded our Smart Groups, Invite System, and more!

Our development team pushes new Promoboxx platform features every two weeks. So, be on the look out for new features and functionality. Here’s the latest on our platform updates: Smart Groups 2.0 Brands can already group their retailers based on any available retailer data with Smart Groups 1.0, but this feature was limited to one […]

Platform Updates brand
Sonciary Honnoll Field Trip! Pboxx steps out of the office…

Yesterday, we had our first official company outing – zip lining, fall foliage, BBQ. We had a blast! Here’s the day in photographs. We started off with breakfast at Dunkin Donuts. Then, off to The Berkshires for zip lining… After zip lining and lunch, we visited Cold River Package, the store Ben’s family ran while […]

Careers & Culture brand
Emma Bisogno National Brands Maximize Their Online Presence By Going Local

When you are looking for a new pair of shoes or on the hunt for a new car, where do you start? If your like most people, you probably go straight to Google. You are then most likely typing in your desired brand and your location. Think about it, searches like “Reebok Classics in Boston” or […]

Local Marketing Campaigns brand
Sonciary Honnoll Newest Promoboxx Platform Features

Our development team pushes new platform features every two weeks. We’re hugely client driven, so when brands ask us for a specific piece of functionality that’s vital to their B2R marketing strategy – we jump right in! Here’s the latest on our platform updates: Smart Groups Brands can now group their retailers based on any available retailer […]

Platform Updates brand
Emma Bisogno Promoboxx Localizes Chevrolet’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Efforts

In an effort to help in the fight to end breast cancer, Chevy dealerships across the country are teaming up with American Cancer Society for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Hundreds of Chevrolet dealers will be using the Promoboxx platform to easily customize and share their own Making Strides Against Breast Cancer campaign on their online […]

Local Marketing Campaigns brand
Ben Carcio Promoboxx: The More You Know

From the CEO’s Soapbox…  I’m going to continue my early childhood television blog theme, and try to implore brands to use Promoboxx with a public service announcement, like one of those NBC “The More You Know” PSAs. The script would go something like this: {Cue “The More You Know” intro, then sappy piano music} “Hey national […]

Careers & Culture brand
Janet Comenos Rogue Retailer Marketing

Every brand we talk to has this problem: Their retailers are marketing their brand in a rogue fashion. Whether it’s a retailer changing a soda brand’s can color from red to green to match their logo color, or publishing content about outdated products on their Facebook page, independent retailers are frequently engaging in ways that […]

Tips and Resources brand
Sonciary Honnoll Dabbieri Supports Its U.S. Retailers During National Wool Week

The Campaign for Wool initiative has the wholehearted support of The Dabbieri Collection, along with wool associated organizations throughout the world to promote the environmental and product benefits wool. Dabbieri is a brand of design-forward wool floor coverings that can only be found in North America’s independently owned showrooms. As such, the brand has always […]

Local Marketing Campaigns brand
Emma Bisogno Promoboxx Helps Profile Design Launch New Product

Promoboxx has teamed up with Profile Design, the leader in high-end triathlon and road cycling components,  to help launch the most highly-anticipated product of their 2013 line – the Aeria. The campaign revolves around a sweepstakes that awards the winner with the ultimate race day advantage – the opportunity to be first to ride the must-have […]

Retail Marketing News brand
Sonciary Honnoll Top 3 Retailer Insights For National Brands

Promoboxx’s Client Marketing team leverages our platform to discover insights that help brands engage more and more of their retail partners. Here are the top three insights from last week’s efforts. Insight #1: Retailers Perceive Social Marketing As Only “Somewhat Effective” In a recent brand study, retailers ranked website and email as their “most effective” […]

Retail Marketing News brand