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The Promoboxx Blog

Sonciary Honnoll Campaign Spotlight: Chevy MLB Dealer Promotion

There’s nothing more American than Chevy, Major League Baseball, and local independent businesses. This week Promoboxx is proud to work alongside Chevy to deliver the Diamonds & Dreams campaign in partnership with over 3,000 local Chevy dealers. Back in February, we worked with Chevy, powering its Super Bowl XLVI dealer campaigns garnering a 40% dealer engagement […]

Brand & Retailer Interviews brand
Randy Murray Retailer Engagement Series (Part 3): Making Online Co-Branded Marketing Successful

In the first two parts of this series, we talked about using email digests to engage retailers and using your Facebook Timeline to strengthen your retailer marketing. Now let’s discuss successful strategies for using online tools to execute co-branded marketing campaigns. Co-branded marketing has long been an effective way for brands to engage retailers in […]

Retail Marketing News brand
Amanda McMullen Retailer Industry Trends and Insights

As we have said before, brand-to-retailer marketing can’t be successful without the willing participation of the retailer. To ensure that retailers get the most out of your campaigns, it’s your job to find ways to engage and motivate them. However, before you can connect with your retailers, you need to understand their perspective. The Typical […]

Retail Marketing News brand
Sonciary Honnoll How To Know If You’re Start-up Material

As part of its June series profiling start-ups, MITX featured an article from Promoboxx co-founder Sonciary Honnoll. Check out the original article on the MITX blog or continue reading to see if you’re start-up material. Start-ups are constantly on the lookout for superstars to join their A-teams. For really early companies, a kick-butt crew means […]

Careers & Culture brand
Janet Comenos Privacy Versus Anti-Privacy

We live in an age of anti-privacy. Using platforms like Pinterest, Twitter and Facebook, consumers share every detail of their lives with one another, from their current locations to photos from their most recent night out. This trend toward anti-privacy is driven primarily by younger people. While Generations Y and Z have used the Internet their […]

Careers & Culture brand
Cynthia Drake Retailer Marketing Series: Barry Smith, Director of Marketing at Profile Design

Brands that sell primarily through specialty retail stores have two important main goals: 1. To support retailers in selling brand products 2. To inform end-customers about brand offerings Barry Smith, Director of Marketing for Profile Design, knows all about this. “Our true customer is the retailer,” Smith says. “But they [retailers] want us to find ways […]

Retail Marketing News brand
Randy Murray Retailer Engagement Series (Part 2): How To Use Your Brand’s Facebook Timeline To Feature Retailers

Engaging and enlisting your retailers to take advantage of your marketing programs can be a challenge, but there are some fresh approaches that can work to get your retail base excited about your brand and your messages and programs. In Part 1 we covered how to use email digests to get retailers engaged in marketing programs. […]

Retail Marketing News brand
Jack McDermott How to Land an Internship at a Boston Startup

This article has been re-posted from our channel on BostInno. Read the original post here. As just one of thousands of college students in the Boston area, I consider myself lucky to have landed an internship at a startup this summer. The opportunity to intern at a startup offers a chance to work with a […]

Careers & Culture brand
Ben Carcio Our Company Values

The process of drafting our Promoboxx company values took almost 6 months. It’s not that creating them was overly strenuous, but other things keep popping up. Things like client meetings, product development requirements, fundraising, or the occasional kick-ass office party. But, what could be more important to all of those interruptions than a clear set […]

Careers & Culture brand
Randy Murray Retailer Engagement Series (Part 1): Leveraging Email Digests To Increase Marketing Program Participation

Cutting through the clutter of messages overwhelming retailers today can be difficult, but it’s not impossible. In this four part series we’ll cover steps that you can take right now to drive higher levels of engagement with your retailers, and hopefully, increase sales. Part 1: Leveraging Email Digests To Increase Marketing Program Participation Your retailers […]

Retail Marketing News brand
Sonciary Honnoll Hey Brands, Retailers Want Your Help

The brand-retailer relationship is complicated. Retailers are overwhelmed, busy, and reluctant to participate in marketing campaigns that end up having little benefit to them. So, to save themselves the trouble, brands bypass the local retailer in their marketing efforts, and go straight to the consumer. The result? Retailers feel neglected and ignored, brands lose touch of […]

Careers & Culture brand
Ben Carcio Long Live Email

Some exciting news was covered in The Boston Globe today. You’ll need a subscription to read the Globe online, so I’ll give you the gist. Hubspot, a company we look up to in the Boston marketing technology scene, just announced that they’re launching email as part of their suite of services. Hooray! This is a […]

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