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The Promoboxx Blog

Amanda McMullen Why Everyone Loves Amex’s Small Business Saturday

We recently talked about the importance and success of Record Store Day, an annual event that promotes the culture of the small, local, independent business. Now, let’s discuss a similar event: American Express’ Small Business Saturday. About Small Business Saturday American Express created Small Business Saturday in November 2010. The event celebrates smaller businesses and encourages […]

Retail Marketing News brand
Randy Murray Where Can I Buy? Using Social Media to Help Consumers Find Local Retailers

Social media is all the rage, but is it paying off for local retailers? It can, especially when helped along by brands. In social media, there are actually two things going on at once: 1. Consumers are talking about the things that they buy and want to buy. 2. They’re doing this while they’re moving […]

Retail Marketing News brand
Amanda McMullen Preferred Marketing Channels of Retailers

Promoboxx conducted a survey to find out what advertising channels local retailers prefer to utilize. From the results of our survey, we learned that most retailers prefer websites, paid advertising, and email marketing to social media marketing on sites like Facebook and Twitter. In fact, many retailers labeled social media sites as “ineffective” marketing channels. With the popularity of social […]

Retail Marketing News brand
Elizabeth Knopf The Next Generation of Retailers

Independent retailers historically have relied on traditional, offline methods of marketing. Business owners utilized forms of marketing and communication that had not changed in decades – retailers who had success with direct mail, local advertising, and telemarketing had little impetus to change. This resistance to new marketing techniques is largely generational, and it’s starting to change. […]

Careers & Culture brand
Randy Murray QR Codes (Part 2): Use QR Codes To Drive On-The-Spot Sales For Retailers

QR codes are a great way to provide shoppers with more information than you have room to display in stores. But can brands use them to help drive sales to retailers? They can, if done right (and far too many brands are doing it wrong). In part 1 of this article: QR Codes—What Are They And Should I Use […]

Tips and Resources brand
Amanda McMullen Facebook Apps: Third-Party vs. Tabs

Facebook applications can be useful co-marketing tools for brands and retailers. There are two main types of apps for retailers on Facebook: tab apps and third-party apps. What’s the Difference? Tab apps are applications located on an internal page of a retailer’s profile. Users can access these apps without leaving the retailer’s page by simply […]

Careers & Culture brand
Amanda McMullen Lessons From Record Store Day

In a recent post, we discussed how consumers are moving away from the cookie-cutter products of yesterday in favor of brands that provide them with unique, personalized experiences. One of the greatest examples of this phenomenon is Record Store Day, an annual event on the third Saturday in April in which independently owned record stores […]

Retail Marketing News brand
Randy Murray QR Codes (Part 1): What Are They & Should I Use Them?

Manufacturers and vendors seem to be attaching those little black and white pixilated squares on everything. There was one on a ketchup bottle that sat on the diner table at lunch today. But do real people, consumers, actually using these things? Do QR codes work? And can they work for your brand’s stores? Those are some big questions […]

Retail Marketing News brand
Amanda McMullen Brand-To-Retailer Marketing Channel Insights

Last month, Ben shared one of the biggest objections manufacturing brands have when it comes to co-marketing with their retailers: that retailers won’t use the marketing tools they are given. It’s time to put this objection aside and start believing in the power of the local retailer. If a marketing platform is effective and easy to use, local retailers […]

Tips and Resources brand
Elizabeth Knopf Why Big Brands Want To Seem Small

Prior to the Industrial Revolution, items were produced in a customized manner by craftsmen. Then, as companies were driven by efficiency and scale, brands became removed from customers through multiple layers in the value chain. Now consumers want the personal connection, reliability, and uniqueness that local stores and brands offer. Consumers have shifted their interests from wanting cookie-cutter products to searching […]

Retail Marketing News brand
Ben Carcio Promoboxx vs. Social CRMs

There are dozens of excellent social marketing platforms that are lumped into the buzz-worthy category of “social CRM,” sometimes Promoboxx is mistakenly thrown into this bucket. Yes, there are aspects of what a social CRMs do that are similar to us, but Promoboxx is not a social CRM. A social CRM is set of tools […]

Platform Updates brand
Sonciary Honnoll Retailer Marketing Series: Frank Chiera, VP Marketing at Flooring America

We sat down with Frank Chiera, VP of Marketing for Flooring America and Flooring Canada, for a 15-minute Skype interview on how he works to help FA members market better. Flooring America has 550 stores across North America, these stores are part of a bigger cooperative group called CCA Global Partners. In all, CCA Global […]

Brand & Retailer Interviews brand