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The Promoboxx Blog

Ben Carcio Believe in Retailers

When we talk to brands, they love what we do, but there’s always one major objection: “our retailers won’t use it.” Ok, these seasoned execs are holding on to some preconceived notions, and I get it, I’ve been in their shoes. They believe that the best local marketing doesn’t involve their local retailers. I don’t […]

Careers & Culture brand
Ben Carcio Get Retailer Engagement To Build Revenue

Every manufacturing brand we talk to wants to drive more revenue through their retail partners. Of course they do! This is sorta like me wanting to get in shape or save money, I know I need to do it, but I need someone to help kick my butt. Enter the Promobooxx team. With or without […]

Retail Marketing News brand
Sonciary Honnoll Chevrolet, NFL, Super Bowl…What’s Next?

For Super Bowl XLVI, Chevrolet tried something totally brand new. It pre-released its Super Bowl commercials ahead of the big game through co-branded online campaigns. Each customized to every one of their Chevy dealers. Dealers were then given tools to help them promote their version of the campaign via email, social media (Facebook, Twitter), and […]

Retail Marketing News brand
Ben Carcio Recent “Super” Press Coverage

For an emerging brand-to-retailer marketing platform, getting a little press is good thing.   Mobile, Local are Key Factors in Facebook’s Post-IPO Revenue Growth, Ad Age Online Tool Lets Chevrolet Dealers Tap National Promotions, Auto News Boston Marketing Start-Up Catches a Super Break, The Boston Globe How does a small Boston start-up get to the Super Bowl? Connections., The Boston […]

Careers & Culture brand
Sonciary Honnoll We’ve Moved!

Just from Cambridge to Boston…well more specifically from Kendall Square to the South End neighborhood of Boston. We’re super excited about our move and wanted to share a few pictures of the new space as well as our new address in case you want to stop by for a visit. We were sad to say […]

Careers & Culture brand
Sonciary Honnoll Meet the Newest Addition to the Promoboxx Team

This year we’ve hit the ground running! Led in part by our newest team member Janet Comenos, heading up Promoboxx brand relationships as our Director of Sales. We’re pretty excited to have her a part of our team. Janet came from SCVNGR, covering brand sales and working with clients like Coca-Cola, Procter & Gamble, Neiman […]

Careers & Culture brand
Sonciary Honnoll Flooring America Launches Localized Dealer Campaign

One huge, often unexplored, way for brands to get more of their products in the hands of consumers lies in the brand’s ability to market with its retailers. It’s true that 90% of manufacturing brand products are sold through local retailers, and that makes your stores one of your most important customers. So, what brands are doing […]

Local Marketing Campaigns brand
Sonciary Honnoll The Best Marketing Campaigns of 2011

With the New Year rapidly approaching, there’s a flurry of “best ofs” going around. Did you catch Katie Courics’ Best Stories of the Year: 2011? After viewing, I decided to end the year on a “marketing high note” by asking my team to vote on the best campaigns of 2011. Well, maybe I shouldn’t say “best,” […]

Local Marketing Campaigns brand
Sonciary Honnoll Happy Holidays from Promoboxx

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year from the Promoboxx Team! To stay up-to-date with what is coming in the year 2012 to Promoboxx platform keep your eyes on our blog for info, tips and trends on brand-to-retailer marketing, local marketing strategies and MORE! We’ve also got some very exciting additions to the Promboxx platform rolling out […]

Careers & Culture brand
Ben Carcio Manufacturing Brands: Embarrassed by Their Retailers?

If you look at how manufacturing brands promote their retailers on company websites, it seems like they’re embarrassed by them.  It reminds me of how teenagers are embarrassed by their parents. Yes, they support them, cloth them, feed them, but these kids don’t want to get caught dead with their parents in public. Like when I was […]

Retail Marketing News brand
Sonciary Honnoll A Retailer’s Experience with Promoboxx

One of the most common questions brands ask us is “What’s my retailer’s experience?” It’s a question that all good brands mention, and it’s how we know a brand is in-step with it’s most valuable asset: retail partners. In this video, we show one dealer’s experience, Loose Nut Cycles, with a recent Linus Bike campaign. After […]

Platform Updates brand
Sonciary Honnoll 3 Reasons Why Your Retailers Don’t Care

The brand-to-retailer relationship is complicated. We talked a little about this in our post: Brands & Retailers: A Marriage on the Rocks (TMZ Style). As brand marketers, we know our retailer affair is symbiotic, but in many cases, not simpatico. Because “it’s complicated,” getting your retailers to participate in anything – from annual conferences, to […]

Tips and Resources brand