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The Promoboxx Blog

Allison Moldoff Faces of Promoboxx: Chris Ziomek

Meet Chris Ziomek, Promoboxx’s newest Director of Sales! Chris is a graduate of The University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Isenberg School of Management, where he studied marketing. He joins the Promoboxx team, bringing along a lot of innovative ideas from his past experience in the startup world. Chris was on the founding team of a startup […]

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Drew New Feature: Retailer Status Reporting

Ever received an email asking you to do something you already did? Maybe a friend mass emails “Sorry for those getting this twice! Just wanted to remind those of you who have not signed up for softball this weekend to do so!” We all have. They clog up your inbox and you wish they could […]

Platform Updates brand
Ben McBratney New Feature: Retailer Status Reporting

Ever received an email asking you to do something you already did? Maybe a friend mass emails “Sorry for those getting this twice! Just wanted to remind those of you who have not signed up for softball this weekend to do so!” We all have. They clog up your inbox and you wish they could […]

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Drew How Retailers Helped Me Climb Mount Kilimanjaro

This past December, I had the incredible opportunity to travel to Tanzania to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. Yes, this was a truly amazing and challenging experience that I will forever cherish, but I want to share my experience preparing for the climb. One of the caveats in taking part in this adventure is the investment you […]

Careers & Culture brand
Adam Doucette How Retailers Helped Me Climb Mount Kilimanjaro

This past December, I had the incredible opportunity to travel to Tanzania to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. Yes, this was a truly amazing and challenging experience that I will forever cherish, but I want to share my experience preparing for the climb. One of the caveats in taking part in this adventure is the investment you […]

Careers & Culture brand
Drew Faces of Promoboxx: Adam Doucette

Promoboxx is excited to welcome Adam Doucette to the team as a Brand Account Manager. Adam is a graduate of The University of Prince Edward Island in PEI, Canada. He completed his MBA in 2013 with a focus in Innovation Management. Adam’s past experience includes Business Development Consultant at a game and application development studio, […]

Careers & Culture brand
Allison Moldoff Faces of Promoboxx: Adam Doucette

Promoboxx is excited to welcome Adam Doucette to the team as a Brand Account Manager. Adam is a graduate of The University of Prince Edward Island in PEI, Canada. He completed his MBA in 2013 with a focus in Innovation Management. Adam’s past experience includes Business Development Consultant at a game and application development studio, […]

Careers & Culture brand
Drew Retailers Rule! Interview Series – Auto Dealer Insights

Welcome to Part IV of our Retailers Rule! interview series. As I mentioned in the previous appliance dealer interview, our retailers are awesome and their engagement in the platform is very important to us. We love hearing what retailers have to say! As part of our mission to connect brands with their retailers, we conducted our Retailers Rule! Interview series to gather […]

Brand & Retailer Interviews brand
Ken Bousquet Retailers Rule! Interview Series – Auto Dealer Insights

Welcome to Part IV of our Retailers Rule! interview series. As I mentioned in the previous appliance dealer interview, our retailers are awesome and their engagement in the platform is very important to us. We love hearing what retailers have to say! As part of our mission to connect brands with their retailers, we conducted our Retailers Rule! Interview series to gather […]

Brand & Retailer Interviews brand
Drew 4 Consumer Trends Impacting Retailers

Although we love and quite literally couldn’t survive without them, consumers can be a little fickle and hard to understand from time to time.  Before determining a strategy to best reach your audience, you need to focus on their motivations while understanding their concerns in today’s market.  Have you ever spent hours researching a product […]

Retail Marketing News brand
Catherine Daigle 4 Consumer Trends Impacting Retailers

Although we love and quite literally couldn’t survive without them, consumers can be a little fickle and hard to understand from time to time.  Before determining a strategy to best reach your audience, you need to focus on their motivations while understanding their concerns in today’s market.  Have you ever spent hours researching a product […]

Retail Marketing News brand
Ben Carcio Big Retail is Going Urban

On my drive in today I was listening to Bloomberg Radio and to retail investment expert Howard Davidowitz. Beyond thinking that this guy has more retail knowledge stuck to his shoe than I’ve learned in my lifetime, he was semi-ranting about how the suburban “big box” retail model was over, causing the death of hundreds of malls. […]

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