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The Promoboxx Blog

Sonciary Honnoll We’re hiring. Join us!

We're a home-grown Cambridge, Mass TechStars Boston 2011 company looking to add two new additions to our core team: Account Manager and Developer. Could be your best job ever, with the best team ever. :)

Careers & Culture brand
Sonciary Honnoll #1 Question Your Customer Needs Answered

I recently read a simple, yet fantastic post by Grasshopper's Ambassador of Buzz, Jonathan Kay. Grasshopper and KISSmetrics are collaborating on a challenge/test for startups that have never used KISSmetrics and don't have a phone number on their site. The winners get GH/KM accounts for life, plus more.

Retail Marketing News brand
Sonciary Honnoll Get 5x More Customer Leads with Promoboxx

Promoboxx allows consumer brands the ability to run online social promotions in cooperation with their retailers. We've found that when brands do, they're massively more successful.

Careers & Culture brand
Sonciary Honnoll What Brands Should Know About Facebook’s New Promotions Guidelines

Facebook updated its Promotions Guidelines again last Wednesday, but when you get down to it - not much has changed.

Retail Marketing News brand
Sonciary Honnoll Top 4 Reasons Our Clients Choose Us

Lately, we've been receiving an overwhelming amount of positive feedback from our clients. It makes us feel warm and fuzzy!

Careers & Culture brand
Ben Carcio Promoboxx Joins TechStars Boston 2011

We're excited to announce that Promoboxx was accepted into the TechStars 2011 Boston program. Techstars is the #1 startup accelerator in the world (or so it says on the TechStars website), but this is not why we applied.

Careers & Culture brand
Sonciary Honnoll Promotion Case Study: Dabbieri Collection

The Dabbieri Collection, an exclusive brand of floor coverings assembled by International Design Guild (IDG), is an alliance of home décor showrooms that serve both the luxury consumer and the interior designer.

Local Marketing Campaigns brand
Ben Carcio 4 Key Tips to Running Facebook Promotions

So you launched a business Facebook Page, now what?

Tips and Resources brand
Sonciary Honnoll Customer Spotlight: Barney Butter

Barney Butter is an all natural almond butter made with Premium California Almonds. Jennifer Barney began making the spread one jar at a time for her Fresno, California friends and family.

Local Marketing Campaigns brand
Ben Carcio Boston Bootstrapped Holiday Party

Promoboxx is a co-sponsor of the 1st ever Boston Bootstrapped Holiday Party. It's an informal holiday party for companies too small to have their own legit party.

Careers & Culture brand
Ben Carcio We Be Boostrapped

Promoboxx is powered by a group of people so passionate that they give it their most important resource, their time. We've taken on $0 in outside investment because of our employee owners dedication to "sweat equity."

Careers & Culture brand
Ben Carcio WebInno28 and the Promoboxx Haiku

This past Monday, our social promotion platform company Promboxx, was featured at WebInno28 in Cambridge, MA. The turnout was amazing and the positive feedback was fantastic.

Careers & Culture brand