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The Promoboxx Blog

Amanda McMullen Brand-To-Retailer Marketing Channel Insights

Last month, Ben shared one of the biggest objections manufacturing brands have when it comes to co-marketing with their retailers: that retailers won’t use the marketing tools they are given. It’s time to put this objection aside and start believing in the power of the local retailer. If a marketing platform is effective and easy to use, local retailers […]

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Ben Carcio Get Retailer Engagement To Build Revenue

Every manufacturing brand we talk to wants to drive more revenue through their retail partners. Of course they do! This is sorta like me wanting to get in shape or save money, I know I need to do it, but I need someone to help kick my butt. Enter the Promobooxx team. With or without […]

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Sonciary Honnoll 3 Reasons Why Your Retailers Don’t Care

The brand-to-retailer relationship is complicated. We talked a little about this in our post: Brands & Retailers: A Marriage on the Rocks (TMZ Style). As brand marketers, we know our retailer affair is symbiotic, but in many cases, not simpatico. Because “it’s complicated,” getting your retailers to participate in anything – from annual conferences, to […]

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Sonciary Honnoll Why a Retailer Marketing Strategy is Vital to National Brand Success

What’s ahead for 2012? Two words: Localized Marketing. As local pages continue to reign at the top of Google searches, you’ll need to implement (or augment) a local marketing strategy with your retail partners. This means always asking one very important question: “How do I get my products in the hands of more consumers?” The […]

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Sonciary Honnoll Co-Marketing Explained: Examples and Benefits

Co-marketing can be best described as a practice where two companies cooperate with separate distribution channels, and jointly promote. With most companies looking for innovative and fresh marketing tactics, co-marketing is emerging as a popular way to generate leads, sell more product, and strengthen partnerships. At Promoboxx, we believe in co-marketing 100%. In fact, we’ve […]

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Sonciary Honnoll 4 Ways to Stand Out From Your Competition

Earlier today, I was reading through one of the latest HARO emails. If you don’t already know of HARO (Help a Report Out), it’s a great resource for both reporters looking for qualified sources on the fly, and for businesses looking for big media opportunities. I’ve subscribed to their updates, so I regularly receive HARO […]

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Sonciary Honnoll #1 Question Your Customer Needs Answered

I recently read a simple, yet fantastic post by Grasshopper's Ambassador of Buzz, Jonathan Kay. Grasshopper and KISSmetrics are collaborating on a challenge/test for startups that have never used KISSmetrics and don't have a phone number on their site. The winners get GH/KM accounts for life, plus more.

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Sonciary Honnoll What Brands Should Know About Facebook’s New Promotions Guidelines

Facebook updated its Promotions Guidelines again last Wednesday, but when you get down to it - not much has changed.

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Ben Carcio 4 Key Tips to Running Facebook Promotions

So you launched a business Facebook Page, now what?

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Ben Carcio 4 Things to Ask a Facebook Marketing Vendor

Are you considering a marketing tool or agency to run your online social promotions on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn? Here are 4 simple questions to remember to ask.

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