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The Promoboxx Blog

Kelly Sonnenshein Smartwool Pushes Boundaries for Dealer Support [Interview]

Smartwool approaches specialty dealer support as they do their products: with a sense of discovery and a mission to push boundaries. Since its beginnings, the high-performance apparel brand has relied on its specialty dealers to help share their goods and story with consumers leading an active outdoor lifestyle. With these dealers as the main points […]

Local Marketing Campaigns brand
Tyler Cumella Retailers Tell All [Co-Op Advertising Survey]

As it is now, traditional co-op advertising has reached a point where it is not only out-of-date, but taxing and inefficient for all involved, particularly for the local retailers who truly need the marketing support. We recently conducted a survey asking retailers to share insights into their experiences with co-op advertising. The goal setting out […]

Local Advertising brand
Andrew Glenn Nissan Leads the Way to Dealer Marketing Alignment [Interview]

To call Nissan’s approach to dealer marketing robust would be an understatement. With support and alignment as the foundation, Nissan’s tagline “Innovation that excites” has proven to truly be a top-down strategy. By building both award-winning cars and their dealers’ digital marketing capabilities, Nissan has honed efforts in the name of a consistent brand experience […]

Brand & Retailer Interviews brand
Andrew Glenn We’re Hiring: Brand Account Specialists

Want to work with major national brands in support of thousands of local retailers? Want to build digital marketing and advertising campaigns that drive consumer engagement across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, e-mail, and web? Promoboxx is the only marketing platform to connect and align national brands with their local retailers towards the common goal of increasing revenues. Our rapidly growing […]

Careers & Culture brand
Tyler Cumella ShopRescue Winner, Gorman Bros, Finds the Value in Digital Marketing

Many local retailers are successfully doing digital marketing, but a large number are being left in the dark. Without proper education, guidance, or resources from the brands they sell, retailers can feel lost, unable to promote their brands digitally and continue to grow their businesses. To offer retailers an assist, we created ShopRescue, a free […]

Brand & Retailer Interviews brand
Kim Lombard Convert Impressions into Customers with Facebook Targeting

With more than one billion people spending time on Facebook each month, the platform offers unprecedented access to robust and highly accurate targeting data. For any brand focused on reaching valuable consumers in local markets, leveraging this targeting is a necessary advertising strategy. There’s no better avenue to take advantage of this opportunity than through […]

Local Advertising brand
Tyler Cumella Faces of Promoboxx: Meet Chris Jennison

Meet Promoboxx’s new Web Developer, Chris Jennison! We are so excited to welcome Chris to our team, and to get to know him better, we asked him a few questions. Check out his answers below! Tell us a little bit about yourself. I am a soon-to-be undergraduate from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, getting a bachelor’s degree […]

Careers & Culture brand
Ben Carcio Promoboxx Doubles Down with New Retailer Experience [Product Update]

At Promoboxx, everything we do hinges on the core value, “Believe in Retailers.” To double down on this idea, we’ve updated our platform to make it even easier for retailers to become the best marketers we know they can be. Contrary to popular belief, retailers are not digitally unsophisticated and are more than capable of […]

Platform Updates brand
Tyler Cumella Marathon Sports Sets the Pace for the Boston Marathon [Interview]

Welcome to Retailers Rule!, the interview series that shares key retailer insights into digital marketing that help them better connect and align with the brands whose products they sell. For this special edition of Retailers Rule, we spoke with Erin Engelson, Assistant Marketing Manager for Marathon Sports: an acclaimed Boston staple, one of the best […]

Brand & Retailer Interviews brand
Tyler Cumella 5 Tips to Strengthen Your Brand-Sales Rep Relationships

Sales reps are the glue connecting a brand to their local retailers, but many brands fail to properly involve and communicate with their reps. Without cultivating this relationship, a disconnect is created that can negatively trickle down to the retail level. A number of issues can arise: Retailers become less likely to purchase and sell […]

Tips and Resources brand
Tyler Cumella Outdoor Industry Cuts a Path for Specialty Retailer Digital Support

The state of retail is in flux, with e-commerce on the rise and big-box chains on an increasingly noticeable decline. For brands, this means that it’s becoming more challenging to reach local consumers in a meaningful way. National brands looking to receive more exposure locally should rethink the way they provide their specialty retailers with […]

Retail Marketing News brand
Tyler Cumella Why Is Digital Co-Op Advertising So Hard?

With digital marketing evolving at such a rapid rate, co-op advertising programs have trouble keeping up the pace. While many brands still fail to even offer digital as a component of their program, those that do need to start innovating in order to steer clear of failure and ensure success. For both brands and retailers, […]

Local Advertising brand