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The Promoboxx Blog

Sonciary Honnoll Discovery Series: Retailer Insight #1: Retailers Love To Be Asked

This year, we’re launching a new Discovery Series that focuses on the latest revealings of retailer insights. Every week, we’ll uncover what our Client Marketing Team is learning about the thousands of retailers actively using Promoboxx. To kick-off the series, here’s our first retailer insight. Retailer Insight #1: Retailers Love To Be Asked “This is […]

Brand & Retailer Interviews brand
Emma Bisogno Meet Anna, A Client Marketing Manager At Promoboxx

Q. Tell us about yourself in a tweet! (140 characters or less) A. Start-up newbie. Amateur skier. Professional baker of cookies. Sudoku Puzzle master. Green tea enthusiast. Loves fleetwood mac cover songs. Q. What is one of your favorite things to do in Boston? A. I love the summertime in Boston — one of my […]

Careers & Culture brand
Drew What Does Client Marketing Mean Anyway?

Here at Promoboxx, we like to think of ourselves as pioneers in marketing. First, we created the phrase “brand-to-retailer marketing.” Now, we are throwing another term into the marketing world: Client Marketing Manager. For Promoboxx, a Client Marketing Manager exists to help support our brand, agency, and retailer relationships. Client Marketing Managers work closely alongside […]

Platform Updates brand
Emma Bisogno What Does Client Marketing Mean Anyway?

Here at Promoboxx, we like to think of ourselves as pioneers in marketing. First, we created the phrase “brand-to-retailer marketing.” Now, we are throwing another term into the marketing world: Client Marketing Manager. For Promoboxx, a Client Marketing Manager exists to help support our brand, agency, and retailer relationships. Client Marketing Managers work closely alongside […]

Platform Updates brand
Emma Bisogno Happy New Year!

Promoboxx wishes you and yours a Happy New Year. The start of a new year gives us the opportunity to reflect on, and be grateful for, the year behind us and look forward to the year ahead! How will you make 2013 great? Do you have any New Year’s resolutions?

Careers & Culture brand
Emma Bisogno Retailers: It’s Time To Share, Share, Share!

Promoboxx helps manufacturing brands give their local independent retailers relevant online marketing materials for their online and social channels. We take pride in the ease in which a retailer can opt-in to a nationally sponsored brand campaign and have that page be significant to them (enter, co-branding anyone?!) It is our goal everyday for retailers […]

Retail Marketing News brand
Emma Bisogno Meet Hugh, Promoboxx’s UX Developer

Q. Have you always lived in Boston? A. Boahn ‘n raised, kehd. Q. How did you get into UX? A. It all started on a Pokémon message board when I was about 15. For security purposes, users could only format posts with BBCode, a watered-down version of HTML. I did all you could do with […]

Careers & Culture brand
Emma Bisogno Secret Santa at Promoboxx

What did you do to celebrate the holidays this year? The Promoboxx team decided to have a small office gathering to celebrate the season and exchange a few gifts! We used Elfster, the online secret Santa organizer. We each were assigned a random co-worker with a budget of $30.00 or less. It ended up being […]

Careers & Culture brand
Emma Bisogno Promoboxx Is Looking For Interns!

Promoboxx is looking for rockstar interns to help out our client marketing and sales teams. We are looking for our interns to spend 12 hours a week at the Promoboxx office located in the South End of Boston, at 500 Harrison Ave. As an intern you will be exposed to a variety of exciting projects […]

Careers & Culture brand
Emma Bisogno Holiday Giving!

This week, Promoboxx participated in Boundless‘s holiday food drive. We collected lots of goodies, including: rice, beans, mac ‘n cheese, soups, cereal, peanut butter, and more! All the donation’s went to the Greater Boston Food Bank to benefit hungry families across eastern Massachusetts. The holidays are such an amazing time to reflect on the year past […]

Careers & Culture brand
Emma Bisogno Promoboxx Launches Bellwether’s Winter Giveaway

At Promoboxx we empower retailers to market together with brands in the online world, ultimately growing the reach of the brand and the retailer. It is not easy to get both the retailer and consumer equally engaged in online campaigns, however one of our clients has done an exceptional job at both! Bellwether, a brand […]

Careers & Culture brand
Sonciary Honnoll New Customizations Allow Brands To Capture Even More Data On Their Retailers

Each brand has its own unique nuances as well as its own vernacular when it comes to relating to retailers. Our team understands this, so Promoboxx is built flexible enough to handle these intricacies. That’s why every brand client has its own Promoboxx platform settings. A place to set custom terms (ie: retailer, showroom, dealer, […]

Platform Updates brand