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The Promoboxx Blog

Tyler Cumella Experts Offer an Inside Look at Sales Rep-Retailer Success Strategies

Sales reps are the crucial link between brands and their local retail partners, providing a direct in-person connection while affirming key sales and marketing initiatives. To gain further insights into this invaluable top-down relationship, we sat down with two experts of the field: Matt Baum, North Region Key Account Manager – Running at Mizuno USA, […]

Aligned Conference brand
Tyler Cumella Retailers Rule: A Look Back at 2016 Retailer Digital Marketing Insights

Started in 2014, the Retailers Rule! interview series was created to explore digital marketing insights from the perspective of local retailers and the brands they sell, and this year was no different. Over the past year, we have spoken to retailers far and wide across industries, from an auto dealership in the midwest to a […]

Brand & Retailer Interviews brand
Tyler Cumella Year in Review: Our Best Brand and Retail Marketing Content of 2016

With 2016 coming to a close, we have put together some of our most popular brand and retail marketing content to help you get ready for the new year, including: Interviews with brand leaders and expert retailers Insightful, impactful case studies Promoboxx product updates Tips and best practices for helping your local retailers succeed at […]

Local Marketing Campaigns brand
Tyler Cumella Faces of Promoboxx: Meet Chloe Chalakani

The Promoboxx team continues to grow! We’d like you to meet our new Retail Support Specialist, Chloe Chalakani. We are so excited to welcome Chloe to our team, and to get to know her better, we asked her a few questions. Check out the answers below! Tell us a little bit about yourself. I call […]

Careers & Culture brand
Tyler Cumella Mizuno & Fleet Feet Use Facebook Ads to Inspire Local Communities [Case Study]

For its community-focused The Power of Running campaign, Mizuno wanted to raise awareness for the powerful initiative in local markets among running enthusiasts. By utilizing Promoboxx Local Ads, Mizuno did just that, partnering with Fleet Feet stores to target qualified local customers with highly relevant Facebook ads on mobile devices. Mizuno and Fleet Feet Partner […]

Local Advertising brand
Kelly Sonnenshein Appliance Buying Group, NEAEG, Partners with Promoboxx to Help Retailers Embrace Digital Marketing

Our team is excited to announce that appliance cooperative buying organization, the New England Appliance and Electronics Group (New England division of NECO), has recognized Promoboxx as part of its new Preferred Digital Vendor Program. The goal of the partnership is to help local appliance stores embrace digital marketing. Through the program, appliance dealer members […]

Retail Marketing News brand
Tyler Cumella Faces of Promoboxx: Meet Sam Gauthier

The Promoboxx team continues to grow! We’d like you to meet our new Enterprise Sales Representative, Sam Gauthier. We are so excited to welcome Sam to our team, and to get to know her better, we asked her a few questions. Check out the answers below! Tell us a little bit about yourself. I was born […]

Careers & Culture brand
Kim Lombard Promoboxx Adds Instagram to Suite of Local Ads Channels [Product Update]

We are excited to announce the addition of Instagram as our latest channel offering through Promoboxx Local Ads! After a highly successful pilot, Instagram is now a core component of the Promoboxx Local Ads program, joining Facebook and mobile display. Launched earlier this year, Promoboxx Local Ads extends brand content, targeting, and media mix to […]

Platform Updates brand
Daniel Stevenson Join the Promoboxx Team! We’re Hiring a Business Development Representative

If you are ready to take the first step in your technology sales career, then contact Promoboxx, a fast-growth company based in Boston. If you enjoy the thrill of helping leading companies discover and adopt disruptive technologies, then we’re looking for you! Promoboxx is the only platform to connect and align national brands with their […]

Careers & Culture brand
Tyler Cumella 3 Pain Points (and Opportunities) Retailers Will Face in 2017

2017 is expected to be yet another year of retail disruption for both brands and (especially) the local retailers who sell their products. Out of these shifting tides, though, there are opportunities for retailers to evolve with trends and brands to provide support where needed. We recently sent out a survey to over 50+ local […]

Tips and Resources brand
Tyler Cumella Faces of Promoboxx: Meet Elliot Dix

The Promoboxx team continues to grow! We’d like you to meet our new Brand Account Specialist, Elliot Dix. We are so excited to welcome Elliot to our team, and to get to know him better, we asked him a few questions. Check out the answers below! Tell us a little bit about yourself. I’m originally […]

Careers & Culture brand
Tyler Cumella Quick Tips: Providing Digital Marketing Impact on Retailer Revenue

Welcome to “Lightning Round Retail Marketing Tips,” our new blog series aimed at providing quick, impactful retail marketing tips for today’s busy brand and retail marketing professionals. This week’s topic: providing digital marketing impact on retailer revenue. The Million Dollar Question What is your brand doing to provide digital marketing impact on in-store revenue for your […]

Tips and Resources brand