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The Promoboxx Blog

Tyler Cumella Timberland Amplifies Brand Awareness for #ModernTrail Campaign with the Help of Its Local Retailers

In their massive shift from a footwear brand to a full-blown lifestyle brand, Timberland has ditched the traditional product launches and moved towards something bigger and better. For their one-of-a-kind lifestyle-focused Modern Trail campaign, Timberland focused largely on digital strategy. If they were going to ensure maximum campaign potency and further support ongoing rebranding efforts, […]

Local Marketing Campaigns brand
Hannah Martin Retailers Rule! Dealer Digital Marketing Insights from Lindsay Campbell at Baum Chevrolet Buick

Here at Promoboxx, we believe in retailers, and keeping them engaged in our platform is very important to us. Meeting retailers’ needs is key to having engaged users, which is why we started the Retailers Rule! interview series to share retailer insights across industries and help to better connect them with their brands. I recently […]

Brand & Retailer Interviews brand
Hannah Martin Faces of Promoboxx: Meet Mansi Mohnani

Meet Promoboxx’s new Director of Retail Products, Mansi Mohnani! We are so excited to welcome Mansi to our team, and to get to know her better, we asked her a few questions. Check out her answers below! Tell us a little bit about yourself: At 17, I headed to Boston from Lagos, Nigeria (Indian by […]

Careers & Culture brand
Tyler Cumella How Electrolux Brings Local Retailers into Their Omnichannel Experience

Where do you start when creating a consistent omnichannel experience with independent retailers? That was the question posed to us recently by Laura Woodford, Sr. Trade Marketing Manager at Electrolux Major Appliances North America at the 2015 Aligned Conference. In the modern retail environment, it’s no longer physical or digital. It’s physical with digital. The […]

Retail Marketing News brand
Hannah Martin Faces of Promoboxx: Meet Daniel Stevenson

Meet Promoboxx’s new Chief Revenue Officer, Daniel Stevenson! We are so excited to welcome Daniel to our team, and to get to know him better, we asked him a few questions. Check out his answers below! Tell us a little bit about yourself: After graduating from Boston University and spending some time in management consulting, I […]

Careers & Culture brand
Kim Lombard Shaw Floors Wins at Local Retail with Paid Ad Solutions

With 90% of all retail sales still being transacted in-store,1 brands need to ensure that their local retail partners are equipped with all of the marketing tools and resources necessary to keep their brand top of mind. In this series, we will be highlighting a few brands who are stepping in and winning at local […]

Local Advertising brand
Hannah Martin Faces of Promoboxx: Meet Alexandra Laird

Meet Promoboxx’s new Director of Advertising, Alexandra Laird! We are so excited to welcome Alexandra to our team, and to get to know her better, we asked her a few questions. Check out her answers below! Tell us a little bit about yourself: I studied psychology – humans are fascinating! – then began my career […]

Careers & Culture brand
Tyler Cumella 3 Key Retail Marketing Lessons That Will Make Your Brand Awesome

How are you supposed to inspire resource-strapped retailers to deliver on your brand’s promise? That was the question posed to us recently by Dani Brock, Director of Retailer Marketing for Shaw Floors. With the majority of U.S. retail sales still taking place offline, the consumer’s experience at the local retailer level is as crucial as ever. […]

Tips and Resources brand
Tyler Cumella Faces of Promoboxx: Meet Hannah Martin

Meet Promoboxx’s newest Marketing Intern, Hannah Martin! We are so excited to welcome Hannah to our team, and to get to know her better, we asked her a few questions. Check out her answers below! Tell us a little bit about yourself: My name is Hannah Martin, and I’m a recent graduate of Clark University where […]

Careers & Culture brand
Tyler Cumella 5 Digital Marketing Lessons of Local Retail (As Told By Retailers Themselves)

Brand marketing efforts are increasingly focused on the consumer’s local retail experience, and although retailers are key to ensuring in-store purchases, they have their own way of marketing. To make your retailers better marketers, brands must first understand how local retailers are currently promoting products. That was the goal of our recent Local Retail Marketing Panel, led by three stores spanning the outdoor sporting goods, major […]

Brand & Retailer Interviews brand
Tyler Cumella What’s the Future of Co-Op Advertising? Marketers from Timberland, AutoTrader, GE Appliances Weigh In

The future of co-op advertising hangs in the balance; it hasn’t seen innovation for decades. Is co-op walking dead? That’s one of the questions we posed to three seasoned retail marketers. Amidst the digital revolution, co-op advertising has stayed the same. To better understand challenges to innovation, Ben Carcio (Co-Founder and CEO, Promoboxx) interviews Cassie Heppner (Timberland), Alpesh […]

Brand & Retailer Interviews brand
Tyler Cumella Faces of Promoboxx: Meet Evonne Wetzner

Meet Promoboxx’s new Director of Retailer Engagement, Evonne Wetzner! We are so excited to welcome her to our team, and to get to know Evonne better, we asked her a few questions. Check out her answers below! Tell us a little bit about yourself: For the last 3 ½ years, I worked in Market and […]

Careers & Culture brand