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The Promoboxx Blog

Adam Doucette Retailers Are Loving Lead Gen Using Promoboxx

More and more brands are discovering Promoboxx’s power to generate new leads – and they love it. Today, let’s take a look at how you can benefit too.   How Can Promoboxx Help You Generate New Leads? Lead generation (often referred to as lead gen) is a big opportunity in standard and advanced campaigns on […]

Local Marketing Campaigns brand
Barry Lenson New Statistics: Now Is the Time to Gear Up for Mobile Shopper Marketing

“Making the Case for Mobile-Optimized Email: The Numbers,” a post that Deb Papp wrote for the Lyris blog, presents some compelling statistics about the growing power of mobile marketing. Yet there is more to her post than dry numbers. When you put them all together, they show that the use of in-store mobile advertising is […]

Retail Marketing News brand
Marketing Team Team Promoboxx Eagerly Anticipates Aligned Conference

Over the past few weeks, Promoboxx has started rolling out the Aligned Conference agenda with the announcement of speakers and attendees from some of the world’s top brands, including Chevrolet, Life is Good, and Mohawk Flooring. As planning continues for the three-day event, anticipation for Aligned is steadily growing at the Promoboxx headquarters! To get an inside […]

Aligned Conference brand
Barry Lenson How to Keep Your Brand Shining Bright in a Cluttered Retail World

Wolverine Worldwide – owner of Caterpillar Footwear, Chaco, Keds, Saucony, and Wolverine itself – made news a few days ago when it announced plans to shutter 140 stores over the next 18 months. Most of the affected will be Stride Rite stores. The company announced that it will also consolidate operations, restructure field support teams, […]

Retail Marketing News brand
Adam Doucette Introducing Academy – The Promoboxx Education Center!

Here at Promoboxx, our smile is growing even greater these days with the unveiling of another great feature. Today we are excited to introduce Promoboxx Academy, our new educational destination for brands and retailers to learn more about Promoboxx and how to become better marketers. Don’t worry, we’re not running away from your questions, we […]

Platform Updates brand
Allison Moldoff Retailers Rule! Flooring Retail Insights With Shant Kaprielian

Here at Promoboxx we LOVE our retailers, and keeping them engaged in our platform is very important to us. The Client Services team constantly reaches out to retailers to help them get activated, to show them new features, and to answer any questions they may have. We also love getting their feedback. Meeting retailers’ needs is […]

Brand & Retailer Interviews brand
Sean Mentzinger One Year Later: An Update on the State of Digital Shopper Marketing

“There are lots of digital efforts by brands going direct to consumers, and there are lots of efforts by retailers direct to consumers, but there’s been little understanding about how to truly combine a brand and a retailer together in a digital medium that builds equity for both.”  – April Carlisle, Senior Vice President, Global […]

Retail Marketing News brand
Ben Carcio The Birth of Promoboxx: Seven Big Lessons I Learned in my Family’s Package Store

When I first presented the idea of Promoboxx to investors, I pitched the business from a place of logic. I didn’t give Promoboxx a story, a reason for being, a soul, and I struggled to gain traction. My thinking was that if the logic of the model made sense, people would invest. But there was always a […]

Careers & Culture brand
Adam Doucette Brands Tell Us Five Unexpected Benefits of Promoboxx

Here at Promoboxx, we’re known best for being an online platform that brings digital marketing content directly from brands to retailers. Yes, we’re proud of being the leader in this space, but we get even more excited when our brands tell us about all the added benefits they experience from using our platform. Here are […]

Brand & Retailer Interviews brand
Janet Comenos Marketing in a Cluttered Retail Environment: How to Cut Through the Noise

When consumers visit your retailers online, they see your products and learn about your current promotions and campaigns. But these retailers sometimes also sell as many as 50 other brands in a single retail outlet. How can you cut through that clutter, engage customers, and become the brand of choice for your retailers and consumers? […]

Retail Marketing News brand
Allison Moldoff Retailers Rule! Interview Series – Apparel Retailer Insights

The Retailers Rule! Interview Series has taken some time off to gather even more great insights from our retailers! Here at Promoboxx we LOVE our retailers, and keeping them engaged in our platform is very important to us. The Client Services team constantly reaches out to retailers to help them get activated, show them new features, […]

Brand & Retailer Interviews brand
Marketing Team Why the Promoboxx Team is Looking Forward to Aligned

As the first ever Aligned Conference approaches, the Promoboxx team is gearing up for an exciting three days of events! We asked the team why they are most looking forward to the Boston conference that is focused on brands empowering their retailers. To find out why the Promoboxx Team is getting pumped, check out their responses below. “If […]

Aligned Conference brand